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Pietro's ability to talk was nearly gone by now, and it was the day before he and his sister's birthday. Clint had been plotting, Wanda and Kate had been too, he could tell. He knew what they were thinking, this would more than likely be his last birthday.

He was so tired as Kate sat with him, watching dumb soap operas. She laid next to him on the bed, holding his hand and resting her head on his shoulder. She traced designs on his arm, the white noise of Clint showering almost covering the sounds of the machines.

"Kate." His voice was extremely quiet, barely sounding like words at all anymore.

She looked over to him. "Huh?"

"What..." the hiss of the ventilator. "Th-inking..."

"What am I thinking?" She smiled sadly. "About you. Clint too, I guess."

He tried to speak again, but it was far too slurred to be deciphered. At the look on the young archer's face he closed his eyes in frustration. She just sighed. "I know. I'm sorry, dude."

"I know you don't want anyone to be sad, but it's fucking sad, dude. You know I'm not pitying you. I'm just sad for you and Clint as a friend. I- y'know? It's fucked up." She continued tracing patterns.


The shower stopped. "I love you, man. In a friend way, y'know?"

Pietro gave her a look of understanding and appreciation.

Clint emerged from the bathroom, stream fogging the air behind him. He was wearing purple sweatpants and was shirtless as he rounded the bed, kissing his husband. The only reciprocation he got was a small twitch, but it was more than enough.


The next day was orchestrated to perfection. Pietro woke up to thickened coffee and ice cream, Clint peppering his face with hundreds of kisses.

The next feature of the day was a nice hot bath with all their nicest bath salts and oils, his archer taking extra care to massage his spouse's aching joints and give him an impromptu 'happy ending'. He'd been dressed in nice looking but soft and comfortable clothes, a purple sweater with a grey cardigan as he got cold easily now, especially with it being December. They migrated out of their room, Wanda and Kate waiting in the living room.

Wanda had immediately gotten up, placing a hand on her brother's cheek. "Happy birthday!"

"You... too." She kissed his forehead as he spoke.

"What do you wanna do today?" His sister fretted over him, running fingers through his damp hair.

"Chto... vy... khotite..." Pietro felt her poke into his mind to see what he said.

She shook her head. "Not this year, Piet. This year you choose."

He gave a response but it wasn't understandable. He felt Clint's gaze grow sad. He felt his twin in his mind, projecting his thoughts toward her. "You want to see the kids? Oh, to take the kids out for nice day."

"I will let you know that coincides with one of your surprises for today!" His husband beamed. "I'll be right back."

He walked off to the elevator, Kate coming to Pietro's side to braid his hair out of his eyes.

On the guest floor, Clint met with his kids and ex-wife. He filled them in, taking the kids off to the side for a moment. He steeled himself for this conversation, a crushing feeling in his chest.

"So kids, do you remember how we talked about the different stages of Piet's sickness?" He waited for their hesitant nods. "Right now he's in the last one. He's very tired and can't really talk anymore, but he's so excited to see his favorite kids. This might be his last birthday, so we're gonna make it real special, okay? Do any of you guys have questions?"

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