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After they landed at a safe house, they worked on getting Pietro settled.

Clint held his lover's face in his hands, kissing him deeply. Pietro gave a needy whine, tugging at the archer's shirt. The younger looked absolutely beautiful as the older pulled away. Kiss swollen lips and flushed cheeks contrasted his tousled light hair. "Later, I promise."

The thin man pouted, small frown on his lips. "Fine."

"Don't be like that, sweetheart. You know if we had time I would ravish you this instant." Clint spoke softly against his neck, kissing his jaw.

"Tonight... you come back. Make me feel good." Pietro's voice was low.

"I love it when you're bossy." Another kiss. "Is there anything you need before we go scope out spots?"

Soft tugging at his shirt. "Meds. Water."

Barton checked his watch. "I can give you one, and give you more when I get back if you're awake."

He sat him up, placing a pill into the younger's mouth, helping him to sip some water. After a few faint coughs, Pietro was laid back down on the bed.

Wanda entered, kissing her brother on the forehead. "Be good, yes?"

"Mhm. You also." The older twin murmured, looking up at her sadly. "I should be there to protect you."

His slurred voice hurt deeply within Wanda's heart. "Don't worry about that, Piet. You've protected me so much in our life, it is my turn to protect."

"Message me. When you can."

"Of course, brother."


They'd been gone for a while, Pietro watching some stupid movie that he knows Clint would like. It made him feel less alone.

A comm still deeply within his ear, he listened to the background chatter.

"Nat. Watch your six." His archer's voice was a low whisper.

He heard rustling, then vague combat noises. "Couldn't have given me any more warning, could you Barton?"

What he didn't know was that his mic was on when he gave a short laugh.

"Something funny, Quicksilver?" Her voice was snarky as he heard blows landing.

"No, no." He tried his hardest to enunciate, smiling.

Crashing in his earpiece followed by cursing. "It was kinda funny, Nat." Clint snorted.

"Miss you." Pietro spoke slowly.

His lover chuckled softly. "Miss you too, speedy. I'll be back before you know it."

He continued to watch dumb television, hours passing as he waited. He listened to the background sounds of the communicator. Eventually, he grew thirsty. He swung a uncoordinated arm toward the bottle with the built in straw, trying to lift it. His full concentration toward the task, he had almost achieved it when the metal bottle fell with a clang.

"Pietro? That you?" Clint's worried voice came through his ear.

"I am fine, old man. I drop water bottle." He was huffing with effort.

The archer laughed. "Clumsy."

"Not as clumsy as you, old man. It is quite a talent you have." The younger hummed.

"We'll be heading back in a bit. Expect us a little after midnight."

"I will be waiting, my archer." Pietro's tone was as playful as it got these days.

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