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The day came quickly after that. Clint paced worriedly in his dressing room, Natasha grabbing his arm. "Clint. Sit your ass down, he's fine. Kate and Wanda have him."

"Yeah," he huffed, sitting back on the stool and letting Nat tie his tie and fix his hair.

Pietro was across the hall in the other room, cheeks burning as Kate and Wanda got him dressed. Wanda fixed his collar while the young archer carefully braided small flowers into his hair.

"You look so handsome, Pietro." His sister pressed a hand to his cheek affectionately. She was tearing up, accent thick with emotion. "Mama would be proud."

Tears beaded down his cheeks at this. His voice was raspy and small. "Thank you, Wanda."

They got him all dressed and situated, bespoke suit well fitted despite his withered frame. The blue grey of the jacket meshed with his eyes, which looked brighter due to the concealer on his dark circles Kate had applied. Blue and white flower buds woven into a crown of braided hair rested atop his head, along with a flower bloom tucked into his pocket. His hands had been placed folded on his lap. Kate fastened his tie before speaking. "There you go. Lookin' sharp, 'Silver."

He smiled gratefully, fingers wrapping in the sleeve of Wanda's dress slowly. He murmured in their native tongue, looking up to her. She laughed softly, slapping his shoulder without force.

Wanda checked the time, excitement flooding her face. "Is time for you to go, Kate. We will be out there shortly."

"Alrighty, knock 'em dead Piet." Kate squeezed his shoulder on her way out.

Pietro spoke as the door closed. "You have... recording, yes?"

"Of course, brother. I would not forget." She knelt by him. "I'm so proud of you. So, so proud."

"Is... time. We must... go now." He gave a weak grin.

And so they were off, Wanda pausing just behind the doors leading to the aisle. "You ready?"

"As I'll... ever be." Pietro blushed as the doors opened, music starting. He was instantly transfixed on his lover.

Clint stood at the end of the aisle, incredibly sexy in his dark grey suit that hugged his curves just right. His eyes were glassy, a tear reflecting in the harsh light as he beamed. The lilac tie was just slightly loose, slightly off kilter. It was no doubt driving Natasha nuts as she stood off to his side, flowers in hand. Lilacs and blue peonies lined the aisle, interspersed with daisies and other white flowers. Seats were filled with people, most of which Pietro had only met or seen once. But that was of no concern to him, all he cared about was the love of his life before him, far too beautiful to believe.

Even Lucky sat next to Natasha, a suprise to the younger. She had a purple bandana on with a flowered collar. The siblings reached the end of the aisle, Wanda kissing her brother's forehead before going to take her place. The officiant started but the lovers were lost on eachother. Clint wanted nothing more than to hold his lover, to kiss him, and just maybe drag him into bed and show him how beautiful he really is.

"Now, the couple has chosen to write their own vows, so I will give them the floor. Who would like to start?"

"I will, if that's okay honey?" Clint put a hand over his love's. "Pietro, I never believed in soulmates or love at first sight. I always thought it was a hoax, something people told themselves to sleep at night. But then I met you, and with that first stupid smirk I knew I was wrong. I've loved you since the first time I saw you fight, and I knew you were the one for me. Pietro, I vow that my love for you will remain no matter what our future holds. I will hold you, kiss you, be with you until the end. You once told me that you'd love me until the sun blows up, and I'd like to one up you. I will love you until time ends, until the universe doesn't exist. I will give you my heart forever if you'll have it, my love." He pressed a kiss to his lover's hand as the younger cried happy tears.

Now that it was Pietro's turn, Wanda stepped forward. The thin man spoke. "I recorded... my vows... when I was... diagnosed." A wheeze between sentences. "Wanda will... play for you... now."

Clint silently broke down as he heard his Pietro's voice through the speaker.

"Hi Clint! So- my vows. Clint, where do I even begin with my love for you? I've loved you more fearlessly than I ever have anyone in my life. From the very beginning, I knew I'd never have to hold back around you. That you'd be the one  to hold me after nightmares, the one to laugh at my jokes even when they're not funny. I know you won't have me for your whole life, but for the rest of my life I will love you with everything in me. Clint Barton, I vow that for however long I have, I will love you unconditionally. I will love you when you go on missions, I will love you when you make me laugh, I will love you on your worst days and your best. I will love you when you can't love yourself. Every single day, from now until forever, I will love you."

The clip ended, Clint holding a hand over his mouth to stifle a sob. The officiant resumed speaking, but it was all underwater to the archer. All that he focused on was his love, all tired smiles and bright eyes. He was brought back to earth by Pietro speaking.

"Clint... you're supposed... to say it." The younger gave a short laugh.

His cheeks burned. "Oh! Yeah! I do, one million times over. Lucky, come here girl!"

The lab trotted up, small basket handing from her mouth containing the rings and flower petals.

"Pietro Django Maximoff, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." The archer rubbed calloused hands over his own smaller ones, slipping a thin silver band studded with blue gems over his thin, curled finger.

"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and husband. You may kiss the groom."

Clint enthusiastically threw his arms around his lover, dropping to his knees and kissing him deeply, cupping his cheek. The crowd may have been clapping for them, but all they heard was the beating of eachother's hearts. Time seemed to freeze as the two came together, Pietro weakly nipping his archer's bottom lip as they parted.

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