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The after party was much less Stark and more Clint and Pietro than most parties they'd been to. It was close family and friends only, hosted in the lounge floor of the tower.

Their first dance was to a classical song Pietro remembered from childhood and used to hum absently throughout his day. Clint had taken him into his arms, swaying and twisting to the melody as the other stared up and into his love's eyes with a smile. Kate was taking pictures and videos of the two while Wanda blinked away hot tears at the sight.

Afterward he kissed the sokovian gently, sitting him into the recliner that had unoffically become his. Clint perched on the armrest, sipping his whiskey and petting his husband's hair. He could tell the other was exhausted, but a small smile was still plastered to his face.

"Wanna do cake?" The archer whispered in his ear quietly, placing a hand to his thigh.

The other looked to him tiredly before speaking. "Da, just... need second... first."

"Of course, baby. Let me know when you're ready."

Clint looked over to see his brother playing darts with Stark, the two getting along well. Laura was chatting with Nat, the kids had already been put to bed. His ex shot the couple a glace, eyes bright with happiness for the newlyweds. Pietro reveled in the joy from everyone in the room, content in the pleasant atmosphere of it all. The sickly man watched Kate give a genuine attempt at lifting Thor's hammer, pouting when it of course didn't work. She then trotted over, cheeks flushed from alcohol. "Dude, have y'all tried to lift Thor's hammer? There's gotta be some kinda trick to it."

Pietro hummed. "Tried grabbing... after he threw... it once. Did not... end well."

Clint laughed at that. "Oh shit, yeah! You went down like a fucking sack of bricks."

"I'm sure there's something to it, it can't really be that 'whomsoever be he worthy' shit." She crossed her arms, sighing.

"Want cake?" Pietro spoke to try to get Kate to stop moping. It worked instantly as her face lit up.

Clint kissed his cheek lightly before standing. "Be right back, gotta go make sure that's set up."

"So, Piet, how's the married life?" Kate took Clint's spot.

He gave a half chuckle. "Only been married... for four... hours so far."

"That's like, four more hours than I've ever been married. Does it feel any different?"

"Feels... the same. Just... more official." She could tell even through the light makeup he had on that he was running on empty. She picked up on things easy, the way his voice sounded slightly pinched when he was in pain, the way his eyes darkened when he was tired or ashamed.

She began undoing his braids. "You know, it's your party. No one's gonna be upset if you decide to go to bed."

"Am enjoying... myself. Like how... happy everyone... is." A wheeze during his pause. "Can manage... right now. Will go... to bed when... it is too much."

She nodded as Clint returned. "Okay, babe. I'm gonna put you in your chair so you can come do cake, is that alright?"

After an affirmative hum, he hoisted the small man up and gave him a quick kiss before settling him into the wheelchair. They moved to the main dining room that was hardly ever used, where a multi teir cake waited. It was a pale lilac color, blue and white flowers sculpted from icing clung to the sides. The best part was the cake topper. It was miniature versions on themselves, the smirking tiny Pietro on the ledge of one of the tiers, pulling suprised miniature Clint after him by his hand. A small streak of blue icing indicated his powers.

Kate got her camera ready, documenting as Clint took a fingerful on the rich icing to smear on his husband's nose, the other's eyes crinkling with laughter. The archer then put a glob of icing in his partner's hand, who had it raised about an inch, all he could muster. He lifted Pietro's arm, helping the other clumsily smear the icing on his face. The both of them were giggling like school children, the rest of the world tuned out as they made a mess of themselves. When they kissed it was sticky and sweet, further smearing cake onto the two.

When they pulled away everyone was clapping and cheering, Tony popping a bottle of champagne which only made the situation messier. "Speech time!" Someone yelled amongst the chaos.

Barney sighed playfully. "I guess siblings should start first, huh Wanda?"

She grinned. "I suppose so. Shall we embarrass Clint or Pietro first?"

"I'll go first." The redhead spoke, holding up his drink. "My brother is an idiot." A roar of laughter. "Wait, wait. That's not all. While he might be an idiot, he's also one of the best guys I've every known. Literally the type to rescue a kitten out of a tree, I shit you not. But, still an idiot. For example: the time he got a black eye from a chick named Stacey-"

"Barn, I will kill you." Clint shot him daggers.

"He'd gone out on a date with her, what were you, like thirteen? And he'd heard about tongue kissing- I'm sure you all can tell where this is going -but he didn't really know what it was. So he asks he if she wants to kiss, and they both lean in and then Clint just sticks out his tongue. Got himself a real shiner for that one. Hope you figured it out, baby bro. If not, I'm sorry Pietro."

Pietro blushed and laughed so hard he cried. Clint on the other hand scowled, but had no real anger. "Fuck you."

Wanda spoke up next. "Okay, Pietro. Your turn. Most of you here have known my brother for a while, yes? Okay, then you know of his tendency to play jokes on people. In fact, I'd say most of you all have fallen victim to his pranks." Agreements from the group. "He has not always known the wrong amount to joke, though. Clint, I am sure you remember this story. Once, while Clint was out on mission, before these two got together, my brother had the bright idea to replace every purple object in Clint's room with pink. How he even replaced his spare gear and clothes I will never know. But it was very funny to see the archer in bright pink hoodie and boxers making coffee the next morning. He did not find it so funny, I remember that you did not talk to Pietro for at least a week. He moped about the tower like a zombie until you spoke with him again."

His ears burned as Clint laughed fondly. "It was kinds funny in hindsight."

They went around sharing more stories, Pietro's exhaustion becoming more and more evident. Clint fed him little bits of cake and frosting, wetting his lips with fine champagne. His eyes drifted closed, a kiss to his cheek.

"Baby, let me take you to bed. It's been a long day." His archer whispered in his ear.

Pietro hummed. "Okay. Am tired."

"Alrighty guys, we're gonna turn in. Don't party too hard!" Clint grinned.

They said their goodbyes and goodnights, moving on to the bedroom where both of them soon fell fast asleep.

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