Past, please come back. - Original

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I know this is selfish to wish to go back,
Go back to a place where it was all a lie,
To a place where although we were all smiling and laughing,
It wasn't always the truth.

But we all have to admit it was better than this,
It was calmer and more welcoming than what we have now.

Why? Is the best question in the world,
Why? Is the only question I have,
It's the one I will have tattooed on me one way or another.
It's the one I ask myself everyday,
The one I will do anything to get the answer for.

But maybe it's not the right one,
Or maybe even with the answer
I will be yelling and begging for another.

Why can't things go back to what they were?
Why can't things be simple?
Why can't I get a straight answer for once?
Why is there not only two sides to every story but more?

The question isn't going to be answered,
I may be silly and dumb,
But I know that for sure.

It will never go back to what things were like,
It will never be the same,
We will always be separate,
Always broken.

But hopefully in time I can truly believe love is real,
That what I have now is forever,
That I don't have to always be scared that one day
when I have a family it won't turn out to be like mine.


Please DO NOT steal as this is my own. It may not be that good but thought i'd share.

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