not invited

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It's weird, yesterday Tom didn't text or call me to come over. I wonder what he was doing.

I walk into school expecting to see Tom waiting for me or something, but he wasn't. I was confused.

I push it off and go to my locker. Maybe Toms there?

Never mind. He's not.

I sigh and open my locker.

Once I've put my stuff in my locker and took the things I need out, I close it.

As I turn around two girls walk past me, they was linking and talking about some party, maybe? I know I shouldn't listen in but I'm intrigued.

"OMG what are you gonna wear?" The blonde one asks. "Oo I don't know" the brunette one asks. "Maybe we should wear matching!" The blonde one yells, jumping slightly.

"I heard Tom was gonna be there" the brunette smirks. "Who's party is it again?" The other one asks. "Um I think, maybe Tiffany's" she shrugs.

I couldn't hear the rest since they walked to far away. But that doesn't matter.

So Toms going. I hope he'll bring me. I smile to myself just thinking about it.

Wait when is it though? I sigh.

I begin walking to my class until I saw Lucy. It was like in slow motion or something.

Lucy spotted me. She snarled me, looking me up and down. She looked at her best friend. Lucy whispered something to her. Casandra, which is her best friend, glanced at me then looked back at Lucy with a smirk.

They started whispering and giggling.

I looked down. To this day I still don't know why they don't like me. Casandra had never liked me but Lucy she just stopped liking me after I started hanging out with Tom.

Toms the only person I've got. He's special to me.

I always like to imagine he thinks the same way about me. He probably doesn't but it isn't confirmed. I can always dream though.

I walk into class. I'm the first one there. I place my thinks down and sit.

I put my elbows on the table, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. I look around the room. Or knowing what to do.

After a while more people enter. Some not acknowledging me, which I'd fine. I prefer them not to because the people that do just give me dirty looks.

I know why they all don't like me. They don't like me cause Tom actually kept me around unlike them. Yeah that sound horrible and not right but it's true.

Tom normally sleeps with most girls in this school then forgets about them the next day. I do feel bad for them.

He has down it to be before but the he kept coming back to me. It made me feel special. Like I actually meant something to him.

Deep down I know I'm just a game to him. A piece on a game board. Like chess. I try to ignore the truth though.

The truth hurts.

But they thing is what is he trying to win?

I think. Who could he possibly be trying to win, exactly?

Usually Tom tells me this kind of stuff, I think he knows I'll still go back to him either way. I love him too much.

I think of all the girls in school. I haven't seen any girl that he's really that into. Well yesterday he was kinda obsessed with, what her name again? Julie?

But they've probably banged already. So is that why he didn't want me to come over yesterday

It can't be Julie.

What about Hannah? Nah.

Tom walked in. Surprising he actually showed up. I smile at him, he smiles back. Tom sits down.

"Hey Tom" I say smiling. "Hey" he says back not really showing any emotions. He just looked blank.

I try to figure out what he was thinking or feeling. I analyse his face.

I'm really good at telling peoples emotions. I needed to. It's kind of a skill if I'm being honest. Ever since I was younger, I got good at it.

I guess I got good at telling people emotions because I needed to know if my dad was mad or not. And with my mum to see if she was sober or not. She never was though.

Speaking of my mum I haven't saw her in a while.

"You okay?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah" he says almost disappointed. Oh so he was.. disappointed? Why?

I pull a confused face.

"Have you heard about Tiffany's party?" I ask trying to distract him from whatever he was disappointed about.

If he wanted to tell me he would eventually. Tom needs time with these things.

"Oh yeah" he says. "Who you going to take?" I ask curiously. "I don't know" he shrugs. I nod slowly.

"Have you got any ideas who you're going to take?" I ask. "Maybe, or I might meet someone there" he laughs a little.

I look forward.

"I know you want me to take you" he says. I don't look at him. "What if I don't want you to take me?" I say. "Well that's good. Now you want mind the fact u didn't want to take you" he says bluntly.

I nod. I take a deep breathe in and out.


It had been twenty minutes and I've noticed Julie wasn't here. And to be honest I don't care.

I hadn't tried to speak to Tom. I was a little annoyed.

"Do you know where Julie is?" He whispers to me. I shake my head, continuing to do my work. "I saw her a bit before class" he says.

Of course he saw her. Where else would he be? Wait so he didn't bang her already? Gosh, he's probably going to chase after her until she agrees to have sex with him.

She's a tough one to crack then.

"I only came here cause I though she wanna gonna me here" he sighs. I roll my eyes.

"That's too bad then" I say. Whoops. I was meant to say that in my head.

He scoffs.

I hear the door creak open. I look at the door. Julie walks in.

Speak of the devil I guess.

She walks to her seat. Julie doesn't even apologise for being late. Does she not have manners?

Toms staring at her with a smirk.

The teacher glared at her. "And why are you late?" He says. "I had stuff to do" she says rolling her eyes.

"And the stuff you had to do took you twenty tree minutes" he says getting angry. "Um yeah?" She says sassily.

"I don't like your attitude" he says. "And I don't like that bold spot on your head" she replies.

The class went quiet for a minute.

"Detention after school" he says angrily.

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