CH.1: Battle against the DEMONS

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*3rd P.O.V.*

Reaper was dodging and blocking Psychopath's attack, as he has a distance from him. Psychopath blasts at Reaper, which has him deflect the blasts away. Reaper launches missiles towards Psychopath, but he easily destroyed the explosives.

As the two DEMONS were fighting, Tron and Nightmare were bashing the door to open, but to no avail. The two watched as Reaper was fighting his former leader. Psychopath uses his tentacles to grab onto Reaper, but he slices them off and goes for a kick. Psychopath grabs his leg and throws him to a wall. Reaper shakes off the hit, and he scans for any weaknesses on him, but he couldn't do it any quick.

Psychopath scans Reaper's abilities, and copies his skills to fight Reaper. The two were equally skilled, but Psychopath was being more ruthless in the fight. Reaper launches his spikes at Psychopath, and he goes to tackle him down. Psychopath slams Reaper to the ground with his arm cannon, as he prepares to blast.

Reaper calls back his spikes, and they stab Psychopath's head. This gave Reaper enough time to slash at Psychopath's face and gets away from him. Psychopath went to grab his leg and smashed him around the ground. Reaper puts a distance between the two of them.

Psychopath: You didn't think I would notice?

Reaper: About what?

Psychopath: You helping Tron and his team to stop our plan!

Reaper: Well, I had a choice, and I chose to help them stop you from harming innocent lives!

Psychopath: And you decided to lie to us?!

Reaper: You lied to me first!

Psychopath: I never lied!

Reaper: Oh, really now?!?

Reaper takes off his mask, to reveal his damaged face. He then uses his grappling spikes to throw stuff at Psychopath. The DEMON leader uses his arm blades to easily slice through the many items coming at him. He uses his tentacles to go after Reaper, but he slices the tentacles again.

While they were fighting, Tron was trying to break the door again, but it was no use.

Nightmare: Tron, it's no use. We can't open the door.

Tron: Not unless we try to hit it at the same time.

Nightmare: Let's give it a shot.

The two used their powers to break the door, but nothing seemed to change. They tried multiple times to break the door, but nothing seemed to work. Tron uses his axe and Nightmare uses his scythe, the two hit the door at the same time. Their attempts to being free was no use, as they watched as Reaper fought Psychopath.

Psychopath grabs his cloak, and slams him hard to the ground, and punches him. Reaper has his mask back on, and tanked the hits for his face. Reaper tanks each hit, but the mask was cracking bit by bit. Reaper uses his claws to slash at Psychopath's face, and he punches him once, then moved away from him. Psychopath takes out his double-bladed sword, and he detaches them to be separate swords.

Reaper has his scythe out, and the two clash their weapons against the other. Reaper goes to slash at Psychopath's knees, and he jams a piece of his spike behind his knees. Reaper then uses his claws to rip off some parts off his back. Psychopath activates his arm cannon, and he fires it at Reaper, fortunately, Reaper has his cloak all hard and solid to block the attack.

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