CH.4: Hunter vs Prey

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*3rd P.O.V.*

KILLER was leading the group out of the village, as they were trying to find the others. Due to Ruby texting all the others at where she's at, that was where the group would going to. Bot had the location set in his system, and he told KILLER where to lead them.

As they were walking to Patch, Bot had his drones out, and kept an eye for any threats. While walking, they took a break to eat, as KILLER still had his bag of food with him. He took out some meat and cooked it for Ren and Nora. Afterwards, the two ate, as KILLER and Bot checked if there were any other threats in their way. While the two were doing so, Ren and Nora were talking amongst themselves.

Ren: Do you think we'll be able to get to Ruby and the others?

Nora: We got to. All of us are worried for the other. We don't know if we try.

Ren: Those are some of the most genuine things you have said.

Nora: After what we experienced, I say that I start acting a little more serious.

Ren: Just don't act too serious. We all still need you to be yourself as well.

Nora: You're right about that.

As they were chatting and eating, KILLER and Bot came back. KILLER sat down as he ate his food. Bot just has his gun out, in case a Grimm came to attack. After they ate, the group went back to getting to Patch.

*Timeskip brought to you by chibi Ruby training with Nightmare*

The group were now out of the forest, and Bot told them that there was a town nearby. KILLER has them get on his back, as he grew his wings, which are sort healed. He then flies them to the town. Afterwards, they try to find a hotel or motel for them to rest for a bit. Bot scans for any of those sorts, he finds an inn for them to rest at. They go to the inn, and Bot creates some Lien for Nor and Ren. The two book a room, and they were led to their room.

Once in, KILLER and Bot entered in via the window. After entering, the four of them were resting in the room. As they were resting, Bot shows how far they are to Patch. They were still far, but after getting enough rest and avoid any danger, they would be able to get to them in no time.

As they were resting, the Nemesis was flying around the planet. Psychopath had Striker track down any signs of The Defenders. They had nothing so far, except for some indications of Nightmare teleporting to various places, but they did found him going to Beacon. Psychopath leaves to see what their next plan will be. As he was in his own thrown room, Amalgamation entered inside.

Psychopath: What do you need, Amalgamation?

Amalgamation: I have some concerns.

Psychopath: About?

Amalgamation: About everything that has happened after we destroyed Beacon.

Psychopath: What is your point?

Amalgamation: One of my points is about Scourge.

Psychopath: Is this about what he did to Ozpin?

Amalgamation: Sort of, as we need to keep an eye on him. We may never know if he could ever take over as leader again.

Psychopath: That could be possible, but he would never do that.

Amalgamation: That is true, but I have some more questions and concerns about our brothers.

Psychopath: And that is?

Amalgamation: Unwanted Murderer.

Psychopath: What about our unhinged brother concerns you?

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