CH.7: Finding the rest

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*3rd P.O.V.*

It was the morning, and everyone in the house was waking up. Majority of everyone in the house was getting ready for the day. Nightmare and Rachel were making breakfast for everyone, and Rachel made sure that Nightmare was cooking the breakfast right. As they were doing that, Rachel sees Tron and Ruby coming out of the room, as they went to freshen themselves for the day. Rachel hears Nightmare chuckling to himself, and she was curious as to why he was doing that.

Rachel: What's so funny?

Nightmare: Nothing.

Rachel puts her hands on her hips, and waits for Nightmare to tell her. Nightmare sees that she wants to know why he's chuckling, so he stops and then tells her.

Nightmare: Okay, I'll tell you. The reason I was chuckling is because of Tron and Ruby.

Rachel: What about them made you chuckle?

Nightmare: Don't act so innocent, we both know what they were doing last night.

Rachel: *blushes* I-I know, but it's just that-

Nightmare: We're not used to hearing or believing that Tron finally lost his virginity and is doing it again?

Rachel: Yeah.

Nightmare: *chuckles* Anyways, have you lost yours to Jaune?

Rachel: *blushes more* What type of question is that?!

Nightmare: *shrugs* Just asking, as when Tron not was at the dorm the night before the attack; you weren't there either. So you were probably with Jaune.

Rachel: Okay I was, but that was because we both wanted to. Let's just not talk about this right now or ever again.

Nightmare just laughs a bit, and he goes back to cooking breakfast. As everyone was at the table, Nightmare and Rachel gave them the food, as all of them ate. While eating, Nightmare looks to see Tron was using his holographic map to find the others.

Nightmare: You find anything, Tron?

Tron: Nothing, looks like they all shut down their signals. Have you guys tried to contact them or anything?

Pyrrha: We have, but we got nothing from them. We have also done it somewhere far from where we were at, so the DEMONS wouldn't find our location.

Tron: Nightmare and Rachel, have you two used the device that I gave  for a situation like this?

Nightmare: What device?

Rachel: I don't remember you giving us a device.

Tron: I have. I gave it to you and the rest of our team. It's a microchip that was implanted to our comms. That way we can communicate without worrying about being tracked down. That was the device I gave you.

Nightmare and Rachel looked at each, and they checked on their comms. They then see that there was a chip in it. Tron just facepalms at them, but he goes to contact one of their teammates. Before he could, Nightmare told him that he'll do it. Tron was going to tell him otherwise, but Rachel made it a point that Bot or Skully might not have the chip activated. Also the fact that the DEMONS, except Scourge, will know Tron is still alive.

Tron sighs, so he lets Nightmare call one of them. As Nightmare started to contact them, the others were waiting to see if this'll work, and that they can try to find the rest of their friends. Nightmare awaits for one of them to answer it, and nothing seemed to show that they did. Nightmare tries again to contact them, but nothing was happening. He tries to do it again and again just to see who will answer, and he knows that either of them would be annoyed by this.

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