CH.3: The Aftermath

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

It's been a couple of days since the DEMONS have destroyed Beacon. The others and I have been staying at my parents house, and waiting to see if our friends will come to us. Nightmare and Rachel have had their trackers on, so their team can find them. We also have been recovering from the attack. Yang said that her right hand hurts, and that was due to Psychopath crushing it a bit, but KILLER healed it as much as he could. Rachel did the same, so Yang will be good with that.

Across the couple of days we have been waiting for our friends, we got a message that was shown across everywhere in Remnant. It was a message from the DEMONS.


I was looking at my scroll to see if anyone we knew was contacting us, but we then get an immediate message. All of our screens were on full screen, as a video plays. It showed Psychopath and the DEMONS with him.

Psychopath: Hello everyone in Remnant, Beacon has fallen to the ground as of today. And we were the cause of it. Now, you may be wondering who the hell we are, and I'm here to tell you. We're from another dimension, and we're here to make this world ours. That being said, there are some other beings that are our enemies, and we're here to tell them something important. To The Defenders, we can now track you whenever you open a portal, or if Nightmare ever uses his shadow powers. You better hope that we won't catch you. And to those who want to know our names, we're the INNER DEMONS.

Scourge then shows himself to the recording, and began to speak directly to The Defenders.

Scourge: And if any of you try anything funny with us. *Chuckles* Then you'll pay the same fate as your fellow leader.

Scourge held Tron's mask, but it was severely damaged. He then wore it to taunt the team.

The message then ends from there, and we were all now scared for the others. Now the DEMONS can track them, and that scared Nightmare, as he'll now have to be more careful with his powers.

*End of flashback*

Right now, I was trying to call any of the others, but I'm not getting anything from them. Rachel tried to contact KILLER and the rest of the team, but she didn't get anything as well. We were in the kitchen, as my mom made some food for us. All of us ate, except for Nightmare. He was just standing near the wall, as he looks around the window to see if any of our friends has came.

My mom walks up to me and whispers to me.

Summer: Has anyone of your friends contacted you or got any of your messages?

Ruby: No, none of them has responded nor contacted us. I'm more worried than ever.

Yang: Well, it's only a matter of time before the DEMONS would go after them.

Ruby: What makes you think that?

Rachel: The DEMONS have Striker, and he'll track down anyone that my team and I are close with. I bet they did get your messages, but can't respond because Striker will find their location. It's best if we wait, and see what'll happen next. Like Tron told me "-

Nightmare: "Patience is the key to dire situations, and being irrational will get ya killed."

Rachel: Well, Nightmare took those words out of my mouth.

Nightmare: Because Tron would say these things whenever shit like would happen.

This was one of the only times Nightmare would speak, as he's been quiet since the first night we stayed here. Afterwards, he would stay quiet, and would only talk when we mention his team or our other friends. He then goes back to look at the window.

The Defenders in Remnant Vol.3Where stories live. Discover now