CH.6: Awaken

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*Tron's P.O.V.*

*During the blast*

When the blast hit me, I thought I was going to die. I see Gaster holding out his hand for me to rest, and I nearly took it. That's when I remembered Ruby, my family and friends. I couldn't leave them like this, so I denied Gaster's hand, and he then disappears back to the void. I close my eyes and hoping that I'll make it.


I woke up for who knows how long, and I see that I'm trapped in the rubble. I was going to use cannon, but I couldn't move my right arm. I look to see that my left arm was out, so Iactivated my arm cannon to blast the rubble off of me. Afterwards, I quickly got out of the rubble, and  I immediately took off my mask to breathe. After I did this, I said the first thing that came up to my mind.

Tron: Ruby.

I tried to walk, but I fell down. My door was caught in between two pillars, so I blasted them off me. Just when I was about to get back up, I see that my right arm WAS COMPLETELY OFF! I freaked out, as I saw this. I should be used to this type of thing, but I couldn't calm myself down.

Tron: Calm down, Tron! You have lost your arm before, stop freaking out now!!!

I tried to think of something else to suppress me from panicking any further. I looked around, and I see that Beacon was mostly destroyed, and the only thing remaining was some parts of the dorm area. I got up from the ground and put my mask back on, and I make my way to my dorm. As I was limping around the hall, all I saw were nothing but the husk of what the place used to be. I continued to limp towards my dorm, but I then hear something coming behind me.

I turned around to see Fluffy running towards me. She tackles me down and started to lick my mask. I immediately forgot about her during the attack, and I assumed that she ran off to somewhere safe. I hold her close to me, and the two of us make our way to the dorm. Once there, I pushed the door to open, and I see that most of the place is still alright. I limp to the room, and I immediately went to get my suit changed. Each part of my suit started to heal me, as the parts of my lower legs snapped the bone back to place, and it started to heal it. Fluffy went on the bed, and she waited for me.

I went to the system for it to access to the suit I needed. Once it was activated, I started to input the suit's code. Afterwards, the floor of the room opens up, as my suit was coming up from its stand. As I see it coming up, I noticed that the right arm was missing entirely, but I know what to do with that. I went back to my computer, as I plugged in the new mask to the computer.

M.A.X.: Greetings, Tron.

Tron: Hey M.A.X., I need you to shut down any of my mask's signals for now. I also need you to input all the database from all the masks into the new one. I also need you to find a right arm from any of the suits, and to have it compatible to the MK.6 suit.

M.A.X.: Affirmative, sir. Shutting down any mask signals, and inputting all database to the MK.6 suit.

Tron: Thanks, M.A.X.

After waiting for any of the remaining signals were shut off, I had M.A.X. have all the locations inputted to the MK.6 mask. Afterwards, I went to change into the suit. It was difficult to put it on, but M.A.X. had the robotic arms to help me put it on. After having it on, the arms took the MK.5 suit, and placed it back into the armory to be repaired. Once that was done, M.A.X. brought in one of my old armor suit arm.

I saw that it was from my original MK.3 suit. The cold blue mixed with the black was something that I haven't used in a long time. M.A.X. implanted one of my microchips onto the arm, and it started to upgrade the arm. The cold blue was now becoming red, black, and white. Then, the endoskeleton of the arm was moving close to the part of my arm. There was a spike on the endoskeleton to connect it to my arm.

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