Timothy P.O.V.

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Nixon is going to kill me. I see it now. He will ravish in the pain he is causing me. I deceived my best friend. I don't know how Nixon doesn't feel her infidelity. I did some research and if he never truly accepted a bond from her or accepted her as his chosen mate then that mark is really just a scar on his skin.

I know he did not accept it because I asked him and he told me he would never accept her. But declaring a pup around this pack as his heir and it's not is cause for his wrath. Brittany knows that he has another because she accepted the bond to him. She feels it's every night sometimes even during the day. That man is always fucking. Sometimes it's constantly and she is so weak the next day.

She has almost lost our pup 3 times since she got pregnant. I told her to reject him but she won't do it. You would think that the Alpha team would check on her and the pups health since they assume it is his. They don't even speak to her which is weird considering they all were cool at one point.

She's not allowed to get a room in the pack house. She is ordered away from the Alpha floor. She can't go in the Luna office or suite unless his mother request her which I don't think will happen. He only acknowledges her at pack functions other than that she is non existent.

My pup though. When we found she was pregnant she had a plan on how to make Nixon believe it was his. I followed along with it but now sitting in her hospital room holding my pup I know I'm not going to be able to walk away from him.

"How do you expect this to work Britt. He is my son. I have laid claim and so has Rock. He looks nothing like Nixon nor does he have an Alpha gene." I tell her.
"He will not know. You know that he will kill us both if he found out. I don't know how he doesn't feel it." She says
If only she knew.
"You know you may think that man is a fool but he is far from it. He always has a plan. I've grew up around him I know that he will play dumb until it benefits him." I tell her.
"He won't know. Evan will be his heir and everything will be fine." She says
I growl.
"You know what Brittany I'm starting to believe you want him. I'm done with this shit. I will see my son because if you refuse I will face the consequences of my actions." I tell her.
"Don't do this Tim."she whines
I'm over it. I broke the love of my life heart for her. She's selfish and I'm convinced she only wants power. That she clearly doesn't have no one in this damn pack acknowledges her as Luna. She is merely a fucking prop at this point.
I place my son down kissing his head before turning to leave.
"Tim Stop." She cries.
I walk out on her.

I get to the end of the corridor where Oran and Lance are coming in talking. They see me approaching and stop there conversation.

"Hmm I just came to see Nixons pup." I say.
"He looks just like his mother." Oran says.
"That's for certain I see none of Nixon in the boy."Lance says.
That pup is a perfect mix of both Brittany and I.
"He definitely looks like his mother." I say.
"She better pray to the Goddess that fucker is having a good day today because if he even senses something off she will pay dearly." Lance says.

Don't I know it.

They change the subject.
"Heard you broke up with Tiff. I ain't see that one coming." Oran says.
I sigh sadly.
"I just didn't want to get her hopes up if I found my fated. Thought we would stay friends but she acts as if I don't even exist." I say.
"Heard she dating some warrior from RedRiver now." Lance says.
"Mmm." I say.
"I got to go do some trainings. I'll see y'all later." I say

They turn to leave too because Nixon just got back.

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