Savannah P.O.V

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My beautiful baby girl is here. I mind linked Nixon earlier letting him know his daughter will be born before cutting the link. No one but my parents knew the gender. I was exhausted and wanted to be alone with my baby and thoughts.

I'm holding her when he links.
'How are you and the baby?' Nixon ask.
'Fine and healthy' I say.
'That's good.' He says
I cut the link again.

I talk to her. I promise her to always be here for her. I even told her how much her daddy loves her.
'Are you alone?' He comes thru my head.
'Yes I wanted to be alone with her.' I respond.
She starts getting all fussy. I start to feed her when my red-haired devil walks in.

He looks exhausted and depressed. Normally I would comfort him but I remember he didn't comfort me when I needed him the most. He stands on the wall just looking at us. Neither of say anything.

Our daughter is really a perfect mixture of us both. She has his red hair with my curls. She has my orange eyes and his nose. She looks like me but you can definitely tell she is his.
I finish feeding the baby and burp her. She will not calm down no matter how much I soothe her. He walk over and reaches for her but I pull away.

"I won't hurt her Savannah." He says hurt that I would think he would.
I stare in his eyes. I see pain, regret, longing, sincerity.
I nod and hand her to him. She calms instantly. He smiles softly at her. I scoot over so he can sit on the bed.
"Hey princess. I'm your daddy." He tells her.
I see his tears falling. I wipe them. He's my mate. Regardless of everything I love him.
He looks at me.
"Jared wants to see her. Is it ok?" He asked hopeful.
"She's your pup Nix. I would never stop you or Jared from seeing her." I tell him sincerely.
I wasn't. I let him know she was born to give him the choice. I will never interfere in their relationship.
I see Jared push foward.
"Hey my love." He tells me.
"Hey my wolf." I rub his cheek.
He looks down at his pup.
"MINE" he growls kissing her head.
She smile up at him.
"What's her name?" Nixon ask
"Sarai Nicole Spring." I tell him.
He looks at me and smile.
"Carter?" He ask.
"If you would like Nixon I haven't signed the papers yet." I tell him.
"I would. She's mine Savannah. She belongs to me." He states
"Ok." I tell him.
"She's beautiful. She perfect like her mother." He says.
I smile.
"She looks a little like her dad." I say.
He laughs.
"Yes that why you are perfect princess you have some of your daddy in you." He tells her softly.
She looks up at him in wonder. I fall asleep and let him spend time with her.
I feel him get off the bed and I open my eyes.
"She's sleep. How long will you be here?"
He puts her in her basket and kiss her head gently.
I smile at the gesture as he walks back over to me.
"Leave in the morning."
I tell him as he rubs my cheek.
"Are you going home or to your parent's house?" He ask
"Home." I say.
"Can I come see her?" He asked
"Yeah I'll let you know when they leave. It should be around lunch. They both have work." I tell him.
"Thank you Savvy. She's perfect. I already signed the paperwork." He tells me.
I nod. He leans in to kiss my cheek.
Nixon has been here. Every single night with us since we been home this week. They are both obsessed with each other. The man will literally link me all day to see what she's doing. If he is around all she wants me for is to eat. I walk downstairs to see them lying on the couch sleep. He loves to sleep with her on his chest. I think his heartbeat keeps her calm.

I go in the kitchen to make breakfast. I'm cooking when he walks in to warm up her breast milk I pumped earlier.
"She will be spoiled because you never put her down." I roll my eyes.
He laughs.
"It keeps me calm." He says
"Her too it seems." I laugh.
He feed her kissing her face. He's very helpful. He helps with her all through the night. We have been exhausted.

After breakfast he goes to shower. I literally have to sit in the bathroom and she has to hear his voice to calm down.
"This is ridiculous. You didn't have to do this when I showered earlier." I say.
"That's because you took it while we were sleep." He laughs
"It's like she knows you are here. She's good during the day until around 6 when you get here. It's like she has a built in daddy radar." I roll my eyes.
"She's a daddies girl." He laughs.
"I should have had a son. Mommy baby." I say with an eye roll.
"He would have been a daddy baby too. I can give you one with no problem." He winks.
"No thank you." I laugh.
He steps out of the shower wrapping his towel around his waist.
Fuck it's been a long time. Even though he's been here I still won't give in to my urges. But the damn man looks very good.
"Eyes up here love." He smirks.
I flip him off. He laughs.
'Vannah all of us are on our way to see the baby.' Miranda mind links me.
"Nix your alpha team and their mates are all on their way over here to meet Sarai." I say panicking.
"They're our friends Savannah. And this is the only day I get a full day with my daughter. I'm not leaving." He states firmly.
"What are you going to tell them. I mean Lance and Oran would have known by just looking at her." I say.
He walk over to me sitting on the bed.
"The truth Savvy. Please don't make me leave her." He says.
I sigh.
"I'm not just wondering what you would say to them." I say.
He leans in kissing my cheek. He does that a lot now. I know it's hard for him not being able to act like he's used to with me.
"Let's get dressed." He says.

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