Nixon P.O.V

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I had just put in the special order for Savannah and Sarai Christmas gift when she linked me that my mom wanted to hold Sarai. I told her it was fine but I have a feeling my mom will recognize Sarai as mine. After telling my team we decided to head down there.

As soon as I sat beside my mom who was holding her my baby looked at me immediately. I wanted to take her but Savvy made me wait. We are having dinner tonight at Savannah house so the woman left to go get food to cook.

I keep a watchful eye on mom and Sarai as she won't put her down. I get up to go to the bathroom and when I get back Sarai is crying to the top of her lungs. I'm instantly alert.
'What the fuck happened?' I link my team.
Oran goes to take her but mom refuses standing up and rocking with her.
'I don't know it's like she senses both her parents weren't around and just started screaming' Lance says.
Cooing and trying to calm her and coax her out of my mom's arms.
By time I reach them mom is walking away heading to the offices.
'What the hell.' I say.
'Maybe she senses her grand-pup. I don't know. Sarai could be tired.' Stephan says.
I follow mom to go get my damn pup. She's entering the Alpha office.
"Mom why is she crying?" I ask her.
"She's probably hungry and tired." Mom says.
"Where's her bottle?" I ask.
I'm talking because my voice normally calms Sarai but she just won't calm down.
"She was fine Nixon. Brittany bought the pups over and she just started screaming. The guys ordered Brittany to leave immediately with the pups." She says.
Jared is growling. If that bitch scared my pup she will die. I feel my aura turn deadly. Sarai yells. I reach for her and mom pulls away. That's my fucking pup.
"Calm your aura down that's probably why the poor baby is still upset." She says.
"Mom give me the pup. I will tell Oran to bring her bottle and bag. We have been around her she is used to us." I say trying to remain calm.
She glares at me but hands my pup over. Sarai calms instantly.
"Shhh.Its ok babygirl." I say softly breathing her scent.
"How did you do it?" Ma ask.
"Magic." I laugh.
She rolls her eyes. I go and sit at my desk and rock her. She is content just staring at me. I smile down at her. I feel mom's eyes on me but I will not be giving her any explanation.
Lance comes in with the bag.
"Savannah milk is frozen and it isn't a bottle warmer in here. How the hell do we melt it." Lance says confused
Hell if I know. I always have premade bottles.
"Put it next to the fire place." I say.
He goes to do that.
"You two dummies will burn the babies mouth. Give it to me." She says with an eye roll.
She takes it to the bathroom and runs it under some water. When she comes she dumps the milk into the bottle and hand it to me.
"Why in the hell would you think to put it in the fire place." She says.
"It would have melted it." I say.
"Good thing you were here auntie." Lance laughs.
She comes and takes Sarai and feeds her.
"I'm taking her to my office. Y'all can have her when it's time for her to go." She says leaving out.

"Did you see Brittany do anything to my damn child." I say to them.
"No from what we seen is she bought the boys over there to auntie and tried to get the kids to play with her. She asked to hold Sarai and auntie growled at her. She went to touch Sarai and she started screaming at the top of her lungs. It was like she sensed something wasn't right." Lance says.
"Why the fuck would she want to hold her." I growl.
"Shit the red hair is a dead giveaway plus the Luna holding her she probably wanted to see her face." Oran says.
"Do you think your mom knows." Steph say
"No she definitely would have said something." I say.

'Is she ok.' Savvy ask me thru the link.
"Yes love she's with mom eating. We will be there as soon as you get home." I tell her.
'Ok.' She says

2 hours later we head to mom's office to get Sarai. Oran places her in the car seat and we all head to Savvy house.
I take my pup out the seat and kiss her all over face. Fuck it was hard not showing my baby affection. She's laughing and cooing.
We enjoyed our night with all the kids. We played games and watched movies. We decided that we would do this weekly.

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