Savannah POV

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I had to leave. I needed time away from Nixon. Rachel was the only one who knew of my plans. She swore she wouldn't tell anyone unless I asked her too. At first she was against it but when I told her about the link I got from Brittany she was pissed and agreed. Especially since I just found out I'm pregnant again. She felt it best not to tell Nixon since he would only force me to stay. I called my sister Denise who is a member of NightWalker pack in the north. I told her everything. She was livid to say the least. She told me that the kids and I can come stay with her and Cody her mate. She says that Cody already agreed. She told me about the jobs at the pack hospital there. My only concern is Alpha Blake. I know he has an alliance with Nixon and they are very close.

Evie begged me not to leave her mate and her home but we needed this. I told her we needed to protect our pups. She was sad but agreed. The kids were sad and wanted to stay with their dad. I feel so selfish but I'm doing this to protect them. I would never stop Nixon from seeing his pups but I won't be mentioning this new pup to him.

I feel Nixons hurt and anger as soon as we arrive to my sister's house. I feel my heartbreaking at his distress. We needed this. One of us needed to walk away. Cody comes to take the kids in the house and Denise comes and gets in the car with me. I fall apart. I want Nixon. I need him but we can't keep doing this. We are hurting our kids with this constant back and forth.

"When will you call him?" She says
"In the morning." I say.
"You both needed this. Y'all have been doing this for years. Space from each other is needed. One day I know that you two will find your way back and it will be so much better than this hurt you are feeling now." She says.
"I can only hope. I love him but something needed to give." I tell her sadly.
We head into the house. I play with my nieces and nephew. My phone rings and I see that it is from the palace.
"Hello." I say.
"Vannah what's going on?" Alpha Joseph ask.
"It needed to happen Jo. I needed to leave. We were constantly hurting each other. I stayed thru it all but he chose her. He didn't kill her. He let her get away with hurting my pups. That was my bottom line." I say.
He sighs.
"What is Evie thinking?" He ask.
"She's loves her mate. She wants her mate but she wants to protect our pups. We love both Jared and Nixon but I need this. It's going to kill me if I stay." I tell him.
"Ok Sav. I'll not convince you to return because it was a fucked up situation but I know my friend. He loves you and those pups. He's breaking Savannah." Jo says.
"So was I." I say.
"Where are you?" He ask.
"I don't want him knowing where we are. We are safe. You know all he will do is come and force us back." I beg.
He's silent. I hear Nora in the background.
"I won't tell him Vannah but I need to know where you are. He's my friend and those are his pups. They are alpha pups and could be a target. I need to know. Please I will hold your secret but please let me protect my friends pups." He says.
My sister nods. I sigh.
"Nightwalker. I'm at Alpha Blake's pack. I'm with my sister. We might go live in neutral territory." I say.
"No stay there. He's allied with Nixon and they are friends. Also I know he will protect you. He won't tell Nixon. We will meet in the morning. I'll be flying out tonight." Alpha Jo says.
"Ok." I tell him.
I barely slept. I wake up the next morning emotional. I make the call to Nixon.
"Savvy." He says
"Nixon." I say.
"Where are you love? Please come back. I need to know where you and our pups are." He says.
"We are fine Nix. I'm just calling to tell you that we won't be returning anytime soon and that I would never stop you from communicating with the kids. I want you in their lives. They love you." I tell him.
"What about you?" He ask sadly.
"I love you. I always have and always will but we need space Nix. Evie and I will always belong to you and only you. She will never have another but I need this Nix. We were slowly killing each other. Hopefully one day we will be able to fix this. But we both need to heal love." I tell him.
"I love you Savvy. Forever and always. I'll fix this love.We will get it right eventually." He says and I can tell he's crying.
"I won't sever the pups connection to Ambersy but I'm severing mine." I tell him.
"Savannah." He says.
"Nixon please." I cry.
"You will be returning home one day." He says.
"I know Sarai will want to see you on her birthday." I tell him.
"Ok I'll meet up with you. I love you." He says.
"I love you. Goodbye." I tell him.
I hang up and cry I feel like my heart is shattering.

I'm in Alpha Blake office with Jo and Nora. Alpha Blake and his mate look at me sadly.
"I should have known. I should have seen it." Alpha Blake says.
"I've already told them everything." Alpha Joseph said.
"I'll keep your secret Savannah. I just don't want you to give up on my friend." Alpha Blake says.
I look at Nora who nods. I told her everything before the meeting.
"I just need to be away from him. I'm pregnant and I won't put my babies at risk because he doesn't want to ruin his image. I have to protect my pups. I'll always love Nixon but I can't keep playing the fool." I tell them.
Olivia comes over to hug me. Blake and Jo are shocked.
"Will you tell him?" They ask.
"Eventually. I will tell him when I know no harm will come to mine." I say
"You will still declare this pup as his and bond them Sav. That's my only request." Jo says.
"Ok. Also I don't want to sever the children bond with Ambersy fully. When they are old enough they can decide but not right now." I say
They both smile and nod.

After the pack initiation I feel sadness. I don't feel complete. I'm approved for housing immediately. We move in soon. It's a nice house around the corner from my sister. I start work at the pack hospital on Monday and the kids start school on Monday. Still I don't feel complete. Only ever with him.

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