Savannah POV

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I'm holding my pup in my arms. Waiting on my parents. I know Nixon did not want to leave but he needed to I still have not told them. It might be hard because Skylar looks exactly like him. He has none of my features but my eye color. He is the exact replica of Nixon.

"Hey babygirl. Why didn't you tell us." Ma says rushing over to me to get the baby.
Dad comes over and checks on me.
"It happened so quick. Miranda and I were out and my water broke we had to rush back and everything happened quickly after that." I tell them.
"He's beautiful honey." Mom says.
"Thank you." I smile.
Dad comes and takes him. He claims him as his grand pup. He also breathes his scent.
He smiles at him.
"You going to be a strong warrior little man." Dad says.
I can see Sky squeezing his finger.
We laugh.
Nixon checked on us the whole time. I can see his anticipation as soon as he opens the room door. I'm feeding Skylar so he has to wait.
"We get released in the morning since I'm doing well and so is he." I tell him.
"Ok Sarai stayed at Rachel and Orans so we will get her in the morning." He says coming to get Sky to burp him.
"Hey little wolf." He says.
The man can be an asshole of a mate sometimes but I know for a fact when it comes to our pups it's nothing in this world he wouldn't do for them.
We talk and he falls asleep beside me with Sky in his chest. I'm drained it's been a long day.

He drops me off at home and Skylar and I settle on the couch while he goes down the street to get Sarai. I hear her excitement before she even gets in the house.
"Yes princess we will wash your hands and then you can hold him." Nix tells her.
"Hey mommy!" She shouts rushing to the sink.
We laugh at her excitement as her and Nixon comes back. Skylar is awake now.
She sits on her father's lap as I place him in her arms. Nixon guiding her.
"Hi bubba." She says softly kissing his head.
I get up to go to the bathroom. I come back to see them in their own world bonding. I take a picture of them.
I head to the kitchen to pump and store milk. I make a bottle for him and hand it to Sarai so she can feed him.
"He's so cute mommy." She squeals.
"Just like his big sister." I say to her.
'Thank you Savvy for this. For our family. Thank you for never walking away from me. I love you.' He links me.
'I love you more.' I tell him.
5 months later.
It Sarai first day at school. Nixon wanted her to attend the pack school I would have preferred her attend a school in Neutral territory. Since it's only preschool I didn't see a problem. He refused.
"Are you ready princess." He asked her as I'm doing her hair.
"Yes." She says excitedly.
She looks so pretty with her two ponytails and pink bows. She has on a jean skirt with a hello kitty shirt and some sandals. We let her wear her necklace and bracelet Nixon gave her.
"You look pretty babygirl." I say kissing her face.
"I look like mommy." She says.
"Yes you do." I tell her.
We explained to her that she can't call Nixon daddy and she can't tell anyone he is her daddy. She was sad but he promised that he would see her today and she could come to his office afterschool. I told Stephan to pick her up from school since I'll be at work. I'm pretty sure it will be Nixon getting her.
He scoops her up kissing her.
"I love you princess. Have a good day and you can ride Jared later." He says.
She laughs and promises. He leaves to go to the pack house.
He linked me that he went and seen her earlier and that she was having a good day. After work I head back to the pack.
'Is she at your house?' I link Rachel.
'Nope she's with her daddy. She cried not to leave him so he kept her.' She tells me.
'She's at the pack house?' I ask.
'Yeah I tried telling him it wasn't a good idea but he said it was fine. Stephan and Oran are with him along with Kylie.' She says.
'Ok I'll handle it.' I tell her.

'Nixon I'm picking up Skylar and then coming to get her have them bring her to me.' I link him.
'She's fine. I will bring her home. She's playing with the kids in the pack house. I'm watching her.' He says.
'Nixon!' I growl.
'Savannah she is ok. I won't let anything happen to my daughter.' He says.
I am aggravated. If his bitch hurts my daughter I will kill them both. I head to my parents home to get my baby boy.

It's 5:30 when they come home. Sarai runs right to me as Nixon goes to wash his hands to get Sky.
"Hey big girl. How was your day?" I ask her.
"It was fun. I made friends. Daddy bought me lunch and I played in his office." She says excitedly.
"That great baby. You are a big girl." I say.
That asshole walks in the kitchen after I guess changing clothes. He's holding Sky when he approaches me.
"Why can I feel your annoyance?" He smirks.
I roll my eyes.
"She was fine Savvy. We had fun." He say leaning down kissing me.
I look over at the table where Sarai was drawing to see her dead asleep.
"Ok." I tell him.
We eat dinner and my poor pup is worn out she goes down easily for bedtime tonight. I'm getting Skylar ready for bed when the pack attack alarm goes off. Nixon tenses up and I feel his dangerous aura come out instantly. He rushes out the door of the house.
'Nixon please make it back to us.' I link him.
'I love you.' He tells me.
'I love you more.' I tell him

No sleep for me tonight. I'm to worried about my mate.

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