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ARRIVING to the baseball field, everyone files out of their cars and starts to unload the equipment they had just bought.

the day had started out cloudy, but now the sun was beaming and the humidity was not helping at all.

making her way to the field, erin sticks near tanner as everyone discusses if they were going to be playing an actual game or just taking turns hitting and pitching.

schlatt takes off his jacket and throws it to the side as he grabs a bat and steps up to the plate. erin watches in awe as she stands out in the field with a glove.

yumi offers to pitch first, and completely blows his first throw. erin laughs at him in mockery but knows she probably wouldn't be able to throw any better.

a few hits in, schlatt completely blows everyone out of the water. almost all of his hits going as far the fence or even past it.

after schlatt, nick steps up to bat but soon gives up and throws a fit while taking his anger out on the fence.

the guys alternate pitching and erin jumps in a few times as well, mostly sticking to underhand throws for tanner who wasn't having luck hitting anything either.

"you up?" isaac asks as he walks over to erin, wanting to take her spot at the pitcher.

erin shrugs and hands over the ball she had in her hand and makes her way over to the home plate. she grabs the bat tanner had been using and tries hold it in what felt like the right position.

tanner takes a break and sits on the sidelines, but the rest of the guys were scattered out at the other bases.

erin didn't have high hopes on hitting anything out of the park, or really even past the bases, but she put on her game face and nodded at isaac, signaling him to toss the ball her way.

she misses her first two swings, but re grips the bat for the third try. the ball flies straight down the middle and erin swings the bat forward, just hitting the ball with the tip bunting it past the first base.

she throws the bat in celebration and tanner cheers from the sidelines, yelling at her to run the bases.

no one else had been running, just strictly swinging until they hit a few and then they would switch. the rest of the guys catch on in an instant and encourage erin to run the bases before nick can run and grab the ball that was still rolling in the opposite direction.

erin shrugs at the camera and jogs towards the first base, laughing at nick as he now struggles to find where the ball even went in the mounds of uneven grass around them.

now making her way to the second base, schlatt pretends to race her there.

his intentions were to catch the ball that nick now had, so he could strike erin out but as erin leaps toward the base, they collide causing her to jolt back and land on her ass.

schlatt tries to react and catch her, but his reflexes weren't all that sharp seeing as erin was now flat out on the dirt.

she laughs out, reassuring everyone that she wasn't hurt in her fall. just more so embarrassed.

"shit, you okay?!" schlatt chuckles out as he lends his hand out for her to grab.

she accepts and he pulls her swiftly to her feet. "you totally pushed me" she teases back as she wipes the dust that was now covering her jean shorts.

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