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"ARE you hungry at all?" schlatt asks as he puts the car in reverse, backing out of the parking spot he scored not too far from the front of the building.

he contemplated not going in for the duration of erin's interview. part of him thought maybe he should just stay in the car but he came all this way just to drive her, why exclude himself? incase she were to ask why he didn't just wait in the car, he told himself to make an excuse on it being too hot outside. but obviously erin didn't mind.

"god i'm starving! if i don't eat within the next three seconds i might actually pass away." erin exaggerates.

"isaac texted me earlier when you were in the interview and said something about all of us getting together later."

"isn't there house still a play place?"

"probably" he shrugs. "but i also know there's just about every restaurant down the street from their place, so whatever you want it's on me."

"yeah nice try" erin argues playfully. "i'll pay. you're the one driving anyways."

"i don't mind paying what, ten bucks for a meal somewhere?"

"well one, inflation so probably more, and two i'll just use the money you sent me on apple pay." erin says as she clicks onto the app to show the sixty bucks he had sent her a few weeks back when he first got her number from ted.

"technically i would still be paying for it." schlatt points out with a smirk.

"can you just let me win this?"

"yeah, i guess."

"hi welcome to chipotle, what can i get started for you?" the worker asks as erin nods towards schlatt, wanting him to order first.

he goes on with his order as she waits patiently behind him. schlatt parts from erin and walks to the next section as a second worker assembles the rest of his burrito. erin then takes a step forward to start an order of her own. she got a burrito as well with just about everything in it, planning on either sharing or saving whatever leftovers she had.

"is this gonna be all for you guys?"

erin was standing next to schlatt at this point as she fumbled around in her purse for her wallet.

"just a large fountain drink for me, erin?" schlatt asks as he raises his hand from his side to her lower back, getting her attention.

"oh uh, yeah just a large drink please and thank you."

his gesture was small, and only lasted a few seconds but it had her heart beating a mile a minute.

"alrighty your total comes out to $23.38, are you guys wanting to eat here or to go?"

"here is fine, thank you" schlatt says as he slips his card out from his wallet even though erin had been waiting patiently to hand her card to the woman behind the register.

"i said i was gonna pay!" she says as they both hand their cards forward at the same time.

"that doesn't mean i agreed" he says as he bumps her arm out of the way, letting the worker take his debit card.

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