Chapter 1

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Sometimes in the middle of chaos you find peace. Like when everyone around you is screaming but all you hear is nothing, like the white noise on the TV when you change channel. And what do you see on the other side? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It's all black and white. 

" Nova!! ", she screamed at me, grabbing my attention once again. 

Her frantic forest green eyes scanning my face for any sign of understanding. Her pale white skin was covered in sweat. I can see it on her forehead. A sheer sweat around her sharp nose. Her coffee-like hair tied up in a messy bun on top of her head. 

" Come on Nova, move it ", she shouted. 

I got up from the ground to face her directly. " Sorry Nyx got distracted ", I said, shaking my head. 

Her face said she wanted to tell me more but decided against it. 

" Let's just get out of here while we have a chance, we gotta make it back to post before the others ". 

With that she moved quietly, picked up her bag and turned to the open door. I lingered there for a few more seconds listening to sounds that surrounded me. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I moved behind Nyx out the door on the left to the outside. Everything changed. Everything is not what it was before. Well that's what they say. I was born during the invasion. Many did not survive. They rather die than be taken alive. My mother was taken right about the same night my father abandoned us. It was just me and my sister from there on. 

Me being an oblivious 4 year old that did not know what was going on and that my mother and sister did anything to protect. Nyx took care of me from there on. She was the only family I had left. When I turned 12 I begged Nyx to teach me how to hunt because I was growing and wanted to help her. Now being 18 and despite being better at hunting than Nyx, still she does not let me go on my own in fear of what could be lurking out there. 

The sound of twigs snapping caught both of our attention. Freezing in place, making no noise. I look up ahead and around but nothing. Suddenly to my left there was this glow moving around. Nyx turned to me and suddenly whispered harshly 

" Run!!! ". 

So we bolted straight ahead. I can hear it behind us as we run trying not to make so much noise. Even though it spotted us, it was just one of them. Running as fast as I can up ahead I see the post where we are supposed to meet the others. No sign of no one yet. As we reach it i feel a tug on my arm, just as i was going to let scream a hand wrap around my mouth and next thing i am staring at honey eyes. 

" Shhh quiet ", he said. 

I tried to look around for Nyx and found her a few feet away from me. At that moment the Jager passed us not noticing us hiding in a ditch next to the post. After a few minutes we were in the clear. 

" Thanks Lark ", I whisper. " What were you guys doing out there? ", he asked with a serious face. 

I looked at Nyx then back at Lark,and mumbled " Nothing ". 

" Well you are lucky we got here on time, and plus you both know to not wander off like that ". 

 Getting up and walking up to us Nyx grabbed Lark's hand and pulled him away. I got up as well and dusted off the dirt on my pants, and started to walk with the rest of the group. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to my friend Dice. 

" You know he's just looking out for you, right? ". 

I did know that. Lark has been with Nyx and me since I was 14. He found us hiding in some shed in the middle of nowhere and stuck with us ever since. Even though I know it was more for Nyx he was there for. When I turned 16 we found Dice, he was with his family. His dad Morrison, his mom Letta and his younger sister Gwen. 

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