Chap. I

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"the lens of your glasses are thicker than sunoo's insoles"

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"the lens of your glasses are thicker than sunoo's insoles"

Some time around July 2023...

Jin Ji Eun's POV

It's officially the first day of 11th grade, where this is the last year of enjoying high school, before I actually have to sacrifice my sleeping schedule and work my ass of to get into a good school.

I'm actually one of the people who thinks that education doesn't affect a person's success, but it does get you somewhere in life, so definitely skipping school was not even an option.

There's a crowd at a certain place in the hallway, which I assumed are students crowding over the notice board trying to see what class they are in. Eventually I got through the crowd with a help of a tall friend, and snap a few pictures. I walk out of the crowd, lean on a pillar, cross my legs and start zooming the photo.

I have very bad eyesight due to covid. No it's not the virus, but it's what I do during covid. Nothing huge tho, just 8 hours of sleep and 16 hours of screen time while lying down on the bed in a dim room. I multiplied the thickness of my glasses in just the span of 2 years, which is not a very good record, but still I feel amazed at my self for doing such things.

Someone once told me "the lens of your glasses are thicker than sunoo's insoles". I simply laughed at the comment, but inside deeply regretting the time a spent with my phone. I built such a wonderful bond, to the point that it has become my soulmate.

I adjust the screen brightness due to being under the very bright sun, I can't seem to see a single thing. The screen when the phone is on and off seemed the same. But my phone is literally my soulmate I can definitely operate it without seeing the icons.

I successfully brighten the screen, keeping in mind to reduce it later so it won't heat up my phone. I eventually found my name in Class 2, with the homeroom teacher Mr. Park. 'This is gonna be a hell of a year' I thought while scrolling through the names of my classmates.

It's like the most awful combination for the teachers, but for students, it's gonna be fun. What do you expect from a class that consists of the president of the student council, the secretary of the student council, a math's teacher daughter,  the first rank among all the classes, and just general bad boys with smoking habits and daddy issues.

To make it even better, or worse for teachers. The homeroom teacher, Mr Park, doesn't give a shit about his class. You could make a teacher super mad and he wouldn't even budge. But he cares in the most subtle ways, and he doesn't expect much from you which is nice, but sometimes very frustrating.

He would sign you up in random competitions, just to fulfill the amount of students per class that is required. You could suddenly join a mask painting competition, only to have a singing competition tomorrow. Heck he can even sign you up in a chess competition, even though you have no idea how to play it.

I keep scrolling and scrolling, seeing some old classmates. There are some new students, but not really new. I consider them new because I literally have no idea who they are. And some I recognize and have first impressions of. Ranging from the "I'm pretty close" to "I'm okay with them" to "I don't like them" to "They don't like me" and last but not least "the popular girls who takes selfies with a weird angle so people don't know how big their forehead is".

And I finally stopped on a name,
Nishimura Riki

That guy is probably gonna be jumping in joy once he sees this. We actually have some leaks of who we'll end up as classmates. And Riki is actually panicking for days, thinking he will end up in the class full of weirdos and people who think studying is life and death.

Starting a week before school starts, he will text something along the lines of :

7 Days Before School Starts
Riki :
If I ended up in the same class with Ki-ho, I'm actually gonna fucking kill the teacher.

6 Days Before School Starts
Riki :
Why can't they just leak what class I am in and just let me sleep in peace.

5 Days Before School Starts
Riki :
I'm gonna kill Ki-ho if I ended up in the same class as him.

4 Days Before School Starts
Riki :
Damn Jieun your class looks good. It'll be better if I joined tho.

Jieun :
You'll cheat of me during exams.

Riki :
I'm not cheating, just making sure of my answers.

Jieun :

3 Days Before School Starts
Riki :
It's the first time of my life that I'm not looking forward to a new school year.

2 Days Before School Starts
Riki :
......fuck school.

1 Day Before School Starts
Riki :
I'm curious, but not excited. I'm thrilled, but I'm not excited. And I'm finally going to kill Ms. Go with my own hands if I'm in the same class as Ki-ho.

I smirked, stared at the photo with Riki's name zoomed in. Nice to meet you again classmate.

So what are we thinking about the first chapter? I'll explain the feud about Ki-ho and Riki later on. But the dynamics of Jieun and Riki are upcoming in the next chapters. Feel free to leave a comment or a feedback. And I'll really appreciate it if you vote this story.

Regards, Ddung

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