Chap. V

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"You're telling me to make her a gift when her birthday is tomorrow!?"

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"You're telling me to make her a gift when her birthday is tomorrow!?"

Jin Ji Eun's POV
After the whole seat replacement drama, I got really close with Arin. We helped each other in our lessons, and our table is like our lucky charm now. Filled with number and formula scribbles, it's the only place we can actually think straight and ace our exam.

Usually new acquaintances turned friends live in harmony, rarely having fights because they don't know each other well. But, me and Arin fight a lot. What's the cause of it? Exams. We fought a shit ton during math exams. She tends to count very slowly, but still managed to make a mistake. Me on the other hand, counts on the quicker side, manages to get it right, but still wrote down the wrong number.

Us screaming at each other during exams isn't a rare sight. Our classmates have gotten accustomed to it. They never made a complaint or a snarky comment. Why? You might have asked. They rely on us a lot. Like if there are 5 questions in the exam, 4/5 questions are answered by us. But I got to admit it, they got serious writing skills. They managed to copy a two page answer sheet in like 10 minutes, all while changing 15% of the words.

Our table is located in the back side of the class, so you can definitely imagine how noisy we were. Especially combined with Riki and Jungwon. Riki is sitting there the whole they annoying the whole class and the teachers, while Jungwon is waiting for breaks so he can go simp over his girlfriend. Yeah he has a girlfriend, and they are disgustingly sweet as hell.

If his girlfriend is out on the field, Jungwon can recognize her from the 3rd floor. And he would be smiling like crazy while staring at her. He definitely fell deeper and deeper day by day. Both of them can recognize each other from even a mile away. And to be honest, I can't even imagine them breaking up. Jungwon would turn into a sad cat that just stares into the blank wall.

Through thousands and thousands of gossips that we shared during our classes, we found out Riki has a new crush. An underclassmen with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. Riki only told us her name, so during breaks me and Arin would go snooping around to find her. When we found her, we were both mesmerized. How can a person be so soft spoken, beautiful, and sweet at the same time? I would protect her from an annoying human being like Riki.

It's break time, and Jake comes over running to Arin.

"Can you help me make a birthday gift for my girlfriend?" he said.

"I cannot do that, I'm not creative enough." Arin replied.

"But you did a great job at the art project though." he says back.

"I just helped a little bit, the rest was Dain's work." Arin says.

Jake kept insisting Arin to help him make a surprise gift. Arin kept turning him down, but she eventually pointed her fingers at me.

"Jieun can do it right?" Arin asked me.

"What's the thing you want to make again?" I asked Jake.

Jake showed me the photo and started explaining it to me. I was about to accept and helped him, when Riki passed by and asked what was going on. Jake explained that it was for his girlfriend's birthday, and Riki suddenly had the idea to give a gift to his new crush to.

In the end, I insisted Arin on making Jake's gift and I will make Riki's. During classes, Riki keeps bugging me about the gift, reminding me that his crush's birthday is tomorrow.

"You're telling me to make her a gift when her birthday is tomorrow!?" I whispered.

"I literally just got the idea just now, but can you do it please. I'll even help to say that you're sick so you can get home faster." he said back.

"Are you out of your mind?" I replied.

"No, I'm perfectly fine." Riki said shrugging his shoulders.

Then he raised his hand, calling the teacher and said that I had a stomachache since yesterday that I will be more comfortable resting at home rather than the infirmary. I initially wanted to fight back and say that it was a lie, but thinking how much trouble that it would brought Riki and me I just complied.

After the procedures I must go through to finally go home. I sat down and start making it, while Riki buys the chocolate. I don't know how to specify what I made, but it was like a pop up box, with a crochet bunny on the top, and chocolate candies under.

But Riki wasn't the one to give it to her, he had little to no bravery in doing that. Instead they asked one of her friends to deliver it to her. It worked, his crush finally messaged him. It started plain and dry, but after months they started texting more often, even playing games over the course of the holiday.

He even started sending out more gifts, example during valentine's day or during the last day of the exam. And usually I'm the person who's delivering it to her. I'm accompanied by Jia and Arin. And the three of us would see her smile and keep gushing over how cute and sweet it is. Jia couldn't believe that an annoying person like Riki could be so romantic. And Riki is oddly calm around her, them never speaking to each other in real life although texting for almost 6 months.

But again, his second crush was a fail. He didn't manage to get her. And he admits that it was his own fault. We've been telling him to confess, seeing that his crush is replying to his text actively, and openly staring at him, it's a clear sign that she definitely likes him back. But Riki was too afraid to get rejected, and kept telling us that she didn't like him back. He even said that if she did like him back, she can be the one confessing.

With all of that happening, all of our efforts are wasted. His crush got a nice guy, Riki's friend lecturing him, me, Arin, and Jia telling Riki how stupid he was for letting her go, and a sad Riki posting break up songs every night on his Instagram stories.

Ironically, the 2 guys (Riki & Jake) who asked for help in making gifts experienced the same fate. Jake a retired playboy who changed after meeting his current girlfriend, was cheated on. And he was cheated on even before her birthday, the gift was in process of making, him making it all alone because Arin refused to help.

And Riki, who feels rejected even though he wasn't rejected.

He definitely needs dating lessons from Hana

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