Chap. XI

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Nishimura Riki's POVI woke up, feeling the urge to pee

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Nishimura Riki's POV
I woke up, feeling the urge to pee. I went to the bathroom while squinting my eyes, avoiding opening them too much as it can result in me fully waking up. I picked up my phone, squinting a little bit due to its brightness, intending to see the time. I was shocked when I saw I'm still on call with Jieun. 11 hours 30 minutes and 20 seconds it displayed. A new record, beating Jieun and Hana's previous record which is 9 hours more.

The time is about 6.55 am, a little early for me to wake up on a Saturday morning. But my mom will be proud of me for doing so. I pulled my shirt over my head, and went to my phone intending to end it. When I heard rustling, and soft snores. I wonder if Jieun looked the same like when she was sleeping in class. Soft snores turned into cute breathing sounds, something I wouldn't expect from Jieun. But I gotta admit she sounds cute.

I just plugged my earphones in and brushed my teeth, muting my end of the call so it wouldn't disturb her. As I finished I heard more rustling, indicating she must've woke up. Jieun is a night owl and an early bird at the same time, so waking up around this time wasn't shocking or alarming to me.

"Shit did we call for the whole night?" Jieun said in a sleepy voice. Drowsy and kinda hoarse. I heard gulping sounds which means she's downing a shit ton of water.

"Good morning, best friend. How was our sleep call last night?" I teased her while chuckling.

"It wasn't intentionally done. Riki, I'll hang up first, okay? I want to wash up first." Jieun said.

"I was about to ask you to tutor me. You hanging up the call means that you will forget about me." I said in a sad like manner.

"Fine, I'll just mute myself." Jieun sighed.

In 30 minutes we both finished showering, continuing with tutor lessons from an online whiteboard website. Tutor time just consisted of me pretending not to understand and Jieun losing her patience.

"So where is this from?" I said while circling a certain number from the equation she wrote.

"So it's from here.. and here. You can just count it and try to understand it." Jieun replied, while circling to spots with different colors and making an arrow directed to her written explanation.

"It's from here and here?" I said joking while circling a completely different spot, while drawing an ugly pig because I have a talent in making abstract masterpiece.

"No Riki, it's from here and here." Jieun tried to sound patient.

"From where and where? And why is it like this?" I said, trying to make her annoyed.

"It's from HERE and HERE." she said making very big circle while simultaneously erasing my 'beautiful' drawings.

"Oh it's like this?" I said writing down the correct answer.

"Hmm." Jieun hummed.

"And like this?" I purposely wrote down something wrong.

I continue to bicker with her back and forth, me just testing her patience, while she try her best to ignore me.

"At this point, all of this is up to you, I'm tired. I'm gonna block you after this and ignore you at school. I'm gonna ignore you forever and act like I don't know you. I'm gonna expose your ugly pictures to your admirers and sell your phone number as well as your address. I'll make sure every night there's someone knocking at your door and confessing to you." Jieun ranted.

"Did I just upset the little princess who's known to be patient? It's an honor to do so princess." Riki chuckled.

She always tried to remain calm when I tease her, but her angry face was just too funny.

Her trying to suppress her expression just makes it 10 times funnier or even... cuter. Her facial features are very childlike, though they exude dominance when she's pissed, the likes of having the same face as her father.

Her girlfriends are always pinching her cheeks, much to her dislike of people touching her face with dirty hands. She rants to me about how expensive her skincare was, and people pinching her cheeks with germs filled hands just ruin her skincare ingredients.

Those cheeks look pinchable though to be honest. But it's not appropriate for me to touch them right? I did touch them once, but it was 5 years ago.

The tutoring session ended, we continued watching a horror short movie on Youtube. It's one of our group hobbies, watching new and unique movies.

It's always my habit to remain silent throughout watching, making myself immersed though I do not remember any of the characters later on. But both Hana and Jieun like to make remarks, sometimes even turning a horror movie into a comedy one.

We were on google meet, Jieun sharing her screen which displayed the movie, both of our cameras showing our faces because we wanted to see each other scared. We tried various funny filters while watching the movie, stopping once we were satisfied and during the climax of the movie.

Since Hana wasn't here, Jieun was murmuring alone on how stupid the characters were. She grabbed a plushie and proceeded to squish her face into it, making her cheeks rise and puffy, an adorable scene contrasting the horror movie displayed on the big screen.

"Just run out of there stupid. You're not even that smart compared to the ghosts." Jieun murmured.

"Oh shit he's stupid as hell." Jieun continued.

"Oh fuck, just lay down there pretend to die, escaping is impossible." Jieun said.

The movie ended with Jieun being pissed off at the dumb characters. We both closed the camera, intending to eat breakfast. Jieun's slurping sound was heard, must be the noodles she said earlier. I on the other hand have nothing on the table, meaning I had to order something or just cook.

I spent most of my pocket money on basketball shoes, meaning I had to cook. The kitchen in my house was always stocked full with food, perks of having a mom with culinary hobbies. I decided on a simple menu, scrambled eggs and sausages.

"Jieun, you know how to cook right?" I asked

"Ehmm, I guess so? At least I don't burn the kitchen down." Jieun replied.

"Can you guide me? I'll point the camera at the food, you just tell me what to do." I replied while taking out a nonstick pan.

I started doing something according to her instructions. It was going so well that it wasn't fun. So I did something again.

"Ha? What did you say?" I asked jokingly.

She officially lost her patience, screaming at me while I just laughed. I just kept teasing her, saying wrong things while I just did everything she said. I'm enjoying this too much really.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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