Chap. III

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"It's not because none of them are interesting enough, but it's because you are waiting for her like a little fucker

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"It's not because none of them are interesting enough, but it's because you are waiting for her like a little fucker."


Jin Ji Eun's POV
Fascinating enough, Riki's old crush slash childhood friend is in the same class as him.

Ahn Yerin

Did they date? No. Did they cause enough scene for teachers and classmates to tease them? Yes. Riki and Yerin used to be classmates in 2nd grade, just for a year before Yerin moved due to her father's job. And I knew Yerin since middle school, since the three of us are in the same class.

Riki used to hate Yerin so much. Yerin is the type of person, who needs to process for a good 5 minutes before they can understand shit. And this pissed Riki off so much, to the point where he will rant 24/7 about just how slow Yerin is.

The funny thing is although they hated each other's guts so much, their parents are highschool classmates, and I once eavesdropped on them, and I heard them saying along the lines of  "Later when they're both all grown up, we will put them together.". Both of their parents said this while laughing though, but Riki as present so as I, so I teased him everyday for a month.

And one thing about Riki that I've known for 3 years or so, is how much he despised girls. Me, Hana, and Riki used to game together. And he would witness that the "girl" player is always weighs the team down. And would later cry about it to her boyfriend. Or should I say, online boyfriend.

So imagine the shock me and Hana went through went we discovered that Riki has a crush on someone, which we discovered later on was none other than Yerin. Yerin had a massive glow up, not having different facial features than when she was little, but just matured. Cat like eyes, sweet smile, and a friendly personality is what that shook Riki the most.

They were classmates in 10th grade, and Heeseung would later on report to me that Riki was not being himself and trying to seem cool towards Yerin. Riki chased Yerin for about 8 months, before he loses her to an upperclassmen named Gaon. Gaon was tall, and had a good fashion sense. But Heeseung said that Riki was 10 times better than Gaon.

Oh I forgot to mention the fact that Riki had secret admirers all over the school, starting from 7th graders up to 12th graders. But he seemed to just keep his eyes on Yerin the whole time that he turned down all the confessions. Later on I found out the reason why Yerin rejected him. I still laugh at the reason to this day, because of how ridiculous it is.

Yerin was and still a very soft hearted girl, often crying when things seemed a little but to much for her to handle. So when Riki came around with his antics in 7th and 10th grade, Yerin held a grudge towards him for teasing her, although he never really made her cry. It's always Heeseung, Jungwon, or Sunghoon who did that.

Even after Yerin and Gaon became a couple, Riki never moved on. Although there are tons of girls who are queuing up for his attention, he never seems to mind. His reason was "none of them are intriguing enough". But Jungwon would always come around and say "It's not because none of them are interesting enough, but it's because you are waiting for Yerin like a little fucker."

Riki is not good with words, but rather expressed his feelings through actions. I would see how Riki makes effort to prepare little gifts for Yerin, even asking me or Hana what girls usually like. Hana with the upper hand in dating experience, would lecture him about the dos and donts. He even paid for Yerin's transport once, when I have to chase him around for a week just to make him pay $1.

He eventually moved on from Yerin, focusing on improving himself so he could be a better boyfriend. He is insecure that he will never be good enough, not having enough money to spoil his girlfriend, and not charming enough. He wants to workout more and learn to play the guitar.

Riki asked me for how much I would sell my guitar. After months and months of asking, I finally sold my guitar to him for around half of the price when I bought it. He learned it in a short amount of time, his first song being 'Until I Found You'.

Riki also picked up basketball more seriously than before, thus becoming more fit. He also started working out, his increase in strength being the evidence. He would beat most of my guy classmates in arm wrestling. And also he followed the mewing tutorials online. The results are amazing though, he ended up having a very prominent jawline.

Oh I forgot to mention the fact that Yerin and Gaon broke up later on due to studies. Gaon, who is 2 years older than Yerin went to a college outside of the city, and Yerin who is very affectionate and clingy, decides she couldn't handle the burden of long distance relationship, broke of their relationship. But by the time she broke up, Riki already moved on.

Yerin did some questionable things though few weeks after her breakup. She paid more attention to Riki, even laughing wholeheartedly at his jokes. Which aren't funny by the way. And she's the secretary of the student council, that's why she is very social and outgoing. She gets along well with underclassmen, which she decides to tell the story of  "The Mighty Riki Chasing Her".

She spreads the story very proudly, showing off to Riki's secret admirers who he didn't have a glance at. She would tell stories about how Riki was head over heels, even willing to chase her after she got a boyfriend.

Riki eventually found out about this though, and he was like mad mad. I mean like really mad. And he is not the type to be mad like this. And just like that, his hatred from 7th grade came back, but this time not for a petty reason.

I saw their tension in class and I thought to myself.

I'm 100% sure that Yerin has a crush on him.

Ironic right? Having a crush on someone who used to have a crush on yourself. But that some one moved on tho.

But I don't feel bad for Yerin to be honest.

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