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Scene: Dean is with Bobby and Sam at Bobby's house. (Not super important, the beginning is pretty rushed 😅)

The ringing of my phone interrupts my thoughts.

"Cas? I'm glad you called. I need to speak with you privately." I walk to the front door, stepping outside and closing it behind me.

"Of course, Dean. Is everything alright on your end?"

I'm standing alone outside, the cold air hits my face, a moment of solitude amidst the chaos. "I need you to meet me. There's a hotel nearby, come alone."

"I'll be there, give me the address."


I'm in the parking lot now, under the dim glow of a street lamp, feeling the weight of the night press in. I go to the desk and check in. I take my room key with a soft thank you to the woman behind the counter.

I enter my room, closing the door behind me. The room is nice, definitely better than all the dingy places we've stayed before. It's adorned with a queen sized bed and kitchenette, and no mystery stains on the walls or floors.

I pace, wringing my hands, nervously as I wait for Cas.

There's a knock, and with a quick stride, I open the door to let Castiel in. The angel steps into the room, his gaze immediately locking onto mine with an intensity that's almost tangible. I quickly shut the door behind him.

"Dean what's wrong? Why so much secrecy?"

"I-I know this probably seems like it's coming out of no where, but I've learned the hard way to not leave things unsaid..." I pause.

He tilts his head, waiting for me to finish.

Swallowing a lump in my throat I say, "Cas.. I have...feelings for you."

"Dean, I...I don't know what to say."

The air between us feels charged, the confession hanging heavily in the space of the well-appointed hotel room.

"This is unexpected. I care for you deeply, Dean Winchester, you know this." His face is a mix of confusion and understanding, the celestial being grappling with human emotions.

I swallow nervously as I patiently wait for his response.

"Dean, I've watched over you for a long time. Your bravery, your resilience... they've drawn me in ways I never anticipated." He steps closer, and I can feel the warmth radiating from his vessel. It's both comforting and unnerving, this closeness.

"I am not human, Dean. But I feel a connection to you that goes beyond my understanding." His hand rises, hesitating for a moment before finding its place on my shoulder, grounding in its firmness.

My heart is pounding in my chest. "Does that mean you feel something too, Cas?" I ask hesitantly.

"I am not built for human emotion, and yet, being with you has changed me. I can say with certainty that yes, I do feel something, Dean."

His confession hits me harder than any supernatural punch ever could, sending a mix of relief and anticipation coursing through me.

"What these feelings mean, and how they manifest in your world, is something I am willing to explore."

Outside, the world of hunters and angels waits, but for a moment, it's just us and the possibility of something new and entirely unexpected.

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