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Months have trickled by, and time, with all its cruel swiftness, has only deepened the shared bond between Dean and me. Each challenge faced, every demon vanquished, and all the quiet moments we've stolen away have led us here - to a cliffside retreat overlooking an endless sea, where the only battles are between the sun and the horizon at day's end. This is our severely delayed honeymoon, a rare indulgence earned a hundred times over.

"Dean, the beauty of this place is unparalleled. I have traversed the wonders of creation, but this... with you... it's different."

The setting sun dyes the sky in brilliant hues, reflecting the years of love and understanding that now flow effortlessly between us. I stand at the balcony's edge, my eyes reflecting the vast sky and sea before us.

"The human concept of a honeymoon is quite inspired. A celebration of union, it's... enlightening."

He grins, "Yeah, a whole week with nothing to do but enjoy each other's company. Heaven's got nothing on this." He hugs me from behind, placing gentle kisses on my neck.

"Your affinity for understatement never ceases to amuse me, Dean. This is truly more than I ever allowed myself to hope for." I lean back into his embrace, "To think, I once believed myself beyond such simple joys."

"Simple but powerful, Cas. That's the beauty of being human." He nuzzles against my neck.

"Indeed, I have found great strength in what I once considered human weaknesses. This... vulnerability has become a source of power. With you, I have discovered a magnitude of emotion I hadn't known possible."

Turning within his arms, I capture Dean's gaze with my own. Looking into those mesmerizing emeralds there's an undeniable intensity in his gaze, a magnetic pull that leaves me entranced and longing for more.

He runs his hands down my back, "Every day is a new discovery with you, a new chapter in our endless story."

"Our story is eternal, Dean. I cherish every word, every line, in the narrative we write together. Each day is a gift I never tire of unwrapping."

His hand grabs mine, guiding it to rest over his heart-a steady beat that harmonizes with the distant sound of the waves below. The connection between us is a living entity, nurtured by time and unfathomable depths of feeling.

Resting my forehead against his I say, "I say, we better keep making it a good one, and I know exactly where we can start." I smirk mischievously as I bend down sweeping my arm behind Dean's knees causing him to fall into my arms bridal style. He wraps his arms around my neck with a laugh as I carry him into the bedroom.

"Castiel, ever the romantic in your own unique way."

His laughter is infectious, the sound more beautiful to me than any heavenly chorus. As I cross the threshold of the bedroom, the intimate space seems to welcome us-a haven from the outside world, reserved for moments like these.

As I lay him upon the bed, his gaze is alight with anticipation. The air hums with the promise of pleasure, an unspoken understanding that every touch, every kiss, is a continuation of the vows we've made.

Hovering over him, I'm attuned to every hitch in his breath, every beat of his heart. There's a reverence here in the quiet joining of our bodies, a silent language that speaks of more than mere physicality. I begin removing his clothes, the process is unhurried, a slow reveal that heightens the anticipation humming between us. Each piece of Dean's attire that slips away bares skin I've come to know as well as my own, yet it thrills me every time-like a sacred ritual.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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