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As the morning of our wedding dawns, the tranquil hush envelops us, a stark contrast to the bustling anticipation within. Many years have passed since our story began, yet the excitement feels as fresh as ever. In separate cabins, Castiel and I prepare, two individuals about to unite after the journey of a lifetime, two souls affirming what we've known for so long.

"Alright, you idjits, let's do this nice and smooth. No apocalypse today, got it?"

Bobby's gruff voice, underscored with warmth, lingers down the hallway as he checks in on the preparations. He's more than just an officiant, he's family; a pillar during our hardest times, now a cornerstone of our happiest day.

"Dean, you ready to make this thing official?" Sam asks coming up behind me.

As I adjust my tie in the mirror, the reflection staring back is one of contentment. The heavy weight of the suit feels oddly grounding, a symbol of the formality this day holds.

I smile, "Let's lock this down before he realizes he can do better."

"With you as a catch? Not likely. He knows what he's got, Dean."

Sam's teasing is a familiar balm to any nerves that I might not admit to having. He straightens my lapel with a brother's prerogative-a silent gesture that speaks of the lifetime of support we've given each other.

"Plus, you two have something... epic. Now let's go make it legendary."


Meanwhile, Castiel is in his cabin, fastening the buttons of his vest with careful fingers, his suit a flawless fixture on his frame. He's a picture of celestial poise tinged with very human nerves. It was easy enough for him to be composed as a vessel of Heaven, but now that his soul is bonded and has been accepted into the human realm, all those feelings are magnified tenfold. This is the beginning of their life together, of their forever. He smiles at his reflection in the mirror, then turns to leave his room.


On the edge of a serene lake, the sun casts a golden hue across the gathering of our closest friends and family. It's an intimate affair, the quiet chorus of nature providing a soundtrack to the day's quiet excitement.

Together, Sam and I head to the pavilion where the ceremony will take place. The quiet murmur of our closest allies, our chosen family, fills the space with warmth. There's a ripple of emotions, a collective breath held as this chapter begins.

Sam walks ahead taking his place at the alter with Bobby. With all eyes upon me, a tide of emotion rises-nervousness, pride, but above all, love. I let my gaze sweep over the faces of those gathered, each one a chapter in the story of my life, a story that has led me here, to this defining moment. The murmur of the water and the whispering of the trees seem to affirm my choice, my path, as all awaits the arrival of Castiel.

I position myself to the left of Bobby, with Sam behind me and turn to wait for Cas to make his appearance.

The hush that descends is as much out of respect as it is anticipation. There's a collective intake of breath as all eyes shift to the doorway, awaiting Castiel's entrance. The air is thick with emotion; it's the tangible sum of battles fought, tears shed, and laughter shared, all converging on this singular, monumental moment.

Then he appears, and it's as if the room itself gasps in admiration. Castiel walks slowly, each step measured, his grace evident even in human form. The morning light filters in through the curtains, catching the edges of his suit, making him look ethereal, transcendent even in the mundanity of a wedding ceremony.

Castiel's eyes find mine, and there's a silent exchange, a conversation we've had a million times without words. It's a culmination, a new beginning, and it's written in the steady gaze he offers as he approaches.

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