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A year has woven itself seamlessly into the fabric of our lives, each day threadbare with the tension of the hunt but interlaced with moments that are ours alone.

Secret rendezvous have become our cherished escape, covert pockets of time where we shed our armor and indulge in the freedom to simply be together. Stealing away to each other feels as necessary as drawing breath.

The clandestine nature of our encounters has done nothing to dull the thrill; it's a spark that ignites, whether we're tucked away in a booth in the far corner of a dimly lit restaurant, lost in the shadows of an empty hallway, or in the back of the Impala.

The urgency of our kisses is a language refined over time, a conversation we can carry on without words. Each quick embrace is electric, each touch laced with the history of every quiet confession and shared laugh.

Whether it's time stolen between the never-ending skirmishes with darkness or moments grabbed in the midst of chaos, each one is a testament to the persistence of what we share. What might have once been fleeting has taken root, grown, and blossomed into a life force of its own.


Our latest hunt has brought us to a motel, late at night, on the outskirts of a sleepy town, the kind that you blink and you will miss it. The stakes are high, but that only makes the time carved out for ourselves all the more vital-an anchor in the tumultuous sea of our lives.

"I found a quaint 24 hour diner down the road. Shall we risk an hour of normalcy, Dean?"

His suggestion is a lifeline amid the storm, a brief reprieve in each other's company where the supernatural can be left at the threshold, and we can indulge in being simply two men in love.

I nod, "A little normal sounds perfect right about now, Cas."

"I heard 'diner' and 'normal'. I'm in if you guys are." Sam says poking his head around the corner.

As Sam's tall frame leans around the corner, I'm reminded that the life we lead isn't just about the dark and the dangerous; it's also about moments like these, when something as simple as a meal becomes a precious shared experience.

Although, I frown internally, with Sam coming we won't be able to get up to our usual after dinner antics.

"The more the merrier Sammy!" I say forcing a smile.

Despite the disappointment that flickers briefly across Castiel's face, it's quickly replaced by an accommodating smile. I know that these small sacrifices are part of the life we've chosen. Sam, oblivious to the unspoken exchange, brightens at my agreement.

"Great! It's been too long since we've done something normal together."


We head to the diner, the neon sign buzzing like a beacon in the twilight. Inside, the smell of coffee and home-cooked meals wraps around us, a comforting embrace from a world that often feels alien.

As we slip into the booth, with Sam sliding in across from us, I feel the warmth of Cas' hand in mine. The shared contact, subtle and unseen, is a reassurance, a thread of intimacy connecting us amidst the clatter of plates and chatter of patrons.

My smile reflects genuine contentment-for the family that surrounds me and for the secret promises that lie in the gentle pressure of Castiel's fingers against my own.

Softly, audible only to me Cas whispers, "Anticipation can be its own pleasure, Dean."

The low timbre of his voice resonates within me, stirring a quiet excitement for what the night yet holds. Sam, engrossed in the laminated menu, doesn't notice the subtle interplay of glances and touches that pass between us.

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