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As we wrap up at the diner, the warmth of the evening lingering on our skin, we step outside to be greeted by the cool night air. The quiet of the town at this hour is profound, the streets almost deserted as we make our way to the Impala.

"So, what's the plan? Head back to the motel and crash?"

Sam's ready to call it a night, but the hunger for rest isn't solely about sleep-it's about regrouping, steeling ourselves for whatever lies ahead. The Impala gleams under the streetlights, a steadfast companion on our ceaseless journey.

"Before we retire for the evening, there is something I need to discuss with you both. It's... important."

Castiel's tone is somber, pulling us back from the comfort we've just left behind. It's a seamless pivot back into our reality, where the weight of purpose never fully eases from our shoulders. I nod, a silent acknowledgment of the shift, as we all slide into the car, the familiar leather and metal a prelude to weightier conversations.

Concerned Sam asks, "What's on your mind, Cas? You know you can talk to us about anything."

"It's about a potential lead on the demon tablet. I've received information that may help us decipher its location."

The shift from our lighter moments back to the gravity of our mission is seamless but jarring all the same. Castiel's news draws me in, the hunt always at the back of my mind even during brief respites.

"That's huge, Cas. Where's the lead pointing?"

Sam's investigative instincts kick in immediately, the familiar focus settling over him as it does each time we're onto something.

Now seated in the Impala, ready to hit the road, we're hunters once more, our earlier intimacy locked away like a secret talisman, giving us strength for the battles to come.

I nod, "We should follow up on this ASAP. Lead the way, Cas."

"The source is waiting in Wichita. We must tread carefully; there are eyes that do not sleep, watching for our interest in the tablet."

With the engine rumbling to life beneath my hands, a sense of purpose fills the car. Moving through the streets, we exit the town with only the road ahead and the mission at hand. The hunt has resumed, and despite the risks, there's no denying the thrill that comes with the chase.

"Then let's not keep them open any longer than necessary. Wichita, here we come."
My voice firm, resolute, as my gaze fixed on the dark horizon. The night stretches before us, rife with possibility and danger. But it's a path we've walked before, a dance with darkness we've come to know all too well.

Several hours later

It's now past midnight. Cas has fallen asleep in the back seat. The road stretches out ahead, shrouded in night's embrace, the Impala's headlights carving a path through the darkness.

"You holding up okay? You've been behind the wheel for a while now, Dean." Sam's voice is hushed, a quiet note in the gentle hum of the Impala's faithful engine. Glancing at him, I see the concern etched on his face in the dim glow of the dash lights.

I glance in the rearview mirror to see Castiel, his features relaxed in sleep, a rare and peaceful sight. His chest rises and falls with steady breaths, a silent rhythm that reminds me that angels, too, can find solace in the guise of humanity.

"I'm good, Sammy. I'll pull over soon, just want to put a few more miles behind us."

"Alright, just don't push yourself too hard. And let me know when you want me to drive. You need to get some rest."

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