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It wasn't until I opened my eyes to a bright light that I realized I had fallen asleep. Squinting I try to look around. Realizing and remembering we're in the hospital. The bright light was streaming in through the window blinds. Suddenly I hear a gentle voice.


The sound of my name on Castiel's lips is as grounding as the earth itself. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, my vision clears, and I find myself staring into eyes that I've seen carry the weight of oceans and the fires of stars.

Castiel's gaze holds a quiet strength, the first glimmer of the recuperation we've been hoping for. Relief floods through me, a swift and sudden tide that washes away the lingering traces of fear.

I stand swiftly moving to his side. With a gentle hand on his cheek, I press a brief yet firm kiss to his lips.

"Cas, I thought I lost you" I whisper, tears brimming my eyes.

"You didn't... lose me. I am here, Dean."

Castiel's reply is faint, a rasp that speaks of his fragility in the moment. His hand comes up weakly, an attempt to connect, to reassure-to reciprocate the tidal wave of emotion that our simple touch has unleashed.

His forehead resting against mine, the warmth of his skin, the shallow breaths he takes, they're all testament to the battle he's fought to remain with us. In the quiet intimacy of the hospital room, with the first rays of dawn slashing through the blinds, the brush of tears on my cheek feels like a rite of passage through the darkest night.

Sam stirs from where he's been dozing in a nearby chair, drawn to wakefulness by the quiet exchange. His eyes land on the scene, a knowing softness touching his features as he quietly observes the moment unfolding between Cas and me.

I place another gentle kiss on Cas' lips and say, "I love you, Cas..I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

My admission hangs in the air, a rare display of the raw vulnerability I typically keep walled behind layers of resilience and sarcasm. But here, in the sterile light of the hospital room, with Castiel's clear blue eyes gazing back at me, I allow the truth to surface.

"I love you too, Dean." Cas squeezes my hand in a weak but significant gesture, anchoring the moment, solidifying the words we've shared. Looking past me Cas sees Sam watching. He looks back at me in shock.

"Dean, Sam... he knows?"

Cas' look of surprise is swiftly followed by an understanding, a dawning realization of the openness that now exists between us all. He follows my gaze back to Sam, who gives a small, supportive nod, his smile one of kinship and acceptance.

"Of course, I know. And it's about time, too."
Sam's casual affirmation breaks the tension that momentarily arose, and there's an unspoken comfort that settles over the room.

"Yeah, Cas. Sam's known the whole time apparently. He's not as dumb as he looks." I chuckle.

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm pretty perceptive. Plus, I wasn't about to interrupt whatever weird, angelic, telepathic thing you two had going."

Sam's light-hearted jab joins the chorus of our laughter, a welcome sound that fills the room with an ease that seemed impossible mere hours ago.

"It appears I have much to be grateful for, including your... discretion, Sam." Cas' tone carries the lightness of one who has been deeply touched. His gaze moves between Sam and me, an angel momentarily at a loss for words, yet the gratitude in his eyes speaks volumes more than any words could.

"You two really didn't see it, huh? It was pretty much a universal truth at this point."

Cas and I sit there, our faces tinged with the warmth of a blush. The revelation that our 'big secret' was anything but secret sends a mixed wave of embarrassment and relief washing over me.

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