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An hour of revelry passes swiftly, the room alive with music and joy. As the speeches begin, a respectful hush falls over the crowd. Sam rises, his expression a blend of pride and brotherly affection as he clinks his glass to draw everyone's attention for his best man speech.

"I've spent a lifetime hunting alongside Dean, facing down the stuff of nightmares. But what I've learned, what they've shown me, is that love is the greatest force we have. It's even more potent than the most ancient spells or the deadliest weapons. Dean and Cas have a love that's for the storybooks. They've bled for each other, they've fought with and for each other. They've saved the world together, but more importantly, they've saved each other. Their love is a beacon in the darkness we often face. But it's not just the epic moments that define their love. It's the quiet ones-hospital rooms, graveyard talks, the faith they put in each other time and again, even when faith seemed foolish."

Warm smiles and nods accompany Sam's words, family and friends reflecting on the many times we've all been pulled back from the brink by each other.

"So today, as we celebrate Dean and Castiel, we're not just celebrating a wedding. We're honoring a love that's faced down the apocalypse and come out the other side stronger. We're celebrating undying devotion that I've had the privilege to witness firsthand."

He looks to me, and his eyes glisten-a rare show of tears from my little brother that speaks volumes of the love and respect he holds for us

"May their years ahead be filled with the same passion, the same courage, the same sheer stubbornness that's gotten them through to this day. To Dean and Castiel: a love nothing short of supernatural."

As Sam raises his glass, the clinking of glasses following suit serves as an orchestra of validation and celebration for the enduring testament of our love, the sameness of spirit, and the uncharted future we embark upon together.

With my heart nearly bursting, I acknowledge the man who's been more than just a brother, who always held hope for me, for us. As I raise my glass, a voice seasoned with life's trials and unwavering support cuts through the gentle clatter of the reception.

"Alright, let's see if I can do this without turning into a blubbering mess"

Bobby's voice, ever steady, breaks through the emotional haze. Though his tone is teasing, there's a tremble beneath the surface-a tremor of barely contained emotion from a man who's seen and felt it all.

"Dean and Cas, I ain't much for speeches, but you've taken an old hunter's heart and given it something to beat for besides the next hunt. Your love is fierce, unyielding, and damn near miraculous."

As Bobby speaks, his eyes soften, the creases around them deepening not with age, but with pride.

"We've faced down more darkness than most can imagine, but what you two have is the kind of light that doesn't just push back the shadows-it obliterates them. Dean, you've been like a son to me. Cas, you've been the friend he needed. Together, you're something the world ain't never seen. Like any family, we've had our squabbles, our share of slamming doors, and words we wish we could take back. But at the end of the day, we always come back together. That's what family does."

There's a soft chorus of sniffles and murmurs of agreement as Bobby captures the essence of not just the day, but of every day that has led to it.

"You boys built a family not just upon shared blood, or in your case, Cas, shared battles. You built it on a foundation of trust, on the belief that love is worth every scar, worth every nightmare. And looking at you both today, all spiffed up and starry-eyed, I know without a shadow of doubt-love won. So here's to you, Dean and Castiel. May the road ahead be long and may it be littered with moments just like this one-sweet, full of love, and surrounded by family. Here's to finding the light in each other's eyes, even when the world goes dark."

Bobby raises his glass, signaling the end of his heartfelt oration. The room rises, a symphony of glasses lifted in unison, echoing the sentiments of a grizzled hunter whose words have unwrapped the very soul of the occasion.

My eyes lock with Castiel's, and in them, I see the reflection of all the years passed-the trials, the victories, and every quiet moment in between. Our glasses rise together, a mirror of our hearts synchronized in a silent vow that says 'forever' more powerfully than any grand gesture could ever express.

"To Dean and Cas, the bravest souls I've ever known. May your love keep on shining like the stubborn sons of bitches you are." Crowley chimes in.

The chuckles that bubble up from the guests don't mask the undercurrent of affection that Bobby's toast had stirred within us all.

Our teary-eyed smiles reflect the shared sentiment of everyone present, a collective acknowledgment of the journey that's led to this day of joy and celebration. I down my drink to the memory, to the moment, and to the countless moments yet to come.

The liquid is fire and comfort all at once, a fitting tribute to the spirit of the day. As the whiskey's warmth spreads through me, it feels like a fortifying nod to the past and a toast to the road ahead - one we'll travel together, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart.

"That's the spirit, Dean! Now, let's kick up some music and celebrate. These mopey faces ain't what these boys signed up for." Bobby cheers.

With a hearty laugh and an ease born from years of camaraderie, the reception moves into a livelier phase. The music swells, guests find their way to the dance floor, and the celebration of Castiel's and my union hits full stride with the rollicking good humor and easy happiness that defines our strange, wonderful family.


As the evening wears on, the effect of the spirits Cas and I have drank is as obvious as the love swirling amidst the decorations. I catch Cas' eye, and there's a spark there that reflects my own internal flame. Without a word, our hands lock and I lead him onto the dance floor.

"Attaboy, Dean! Go get your dance on with your angel!" Charlie cheers.

The energy in the room surges as the DJ (Gabriel) spins an upbeat track, one that's impossible not to move to. Laughter dances through the air, but it fades into the periphery as I pull my husband close, our bodies finding a natural rhythm together.

"Look at them go! I want that 'just married' energy!" Charlie's shout is encouraging as we join the fray, the thumping bassline a call to let loose.

I swing Castiel around-partly to the beat, mostly to our own tune-and his laughter is a melody that intertwines with the music. We're silly, we're offbeat, but we're gloriously us amidst the twirling bodies and the clatter of shoes against the floor.

We effortlessly dance for several songs, downing drinks and stealing kisses along the way. As a slow ballad begins, couples unite, and I pull Cas intimately close. In our own bubble, we sway gently to the music. Yet, I notice Cas' flushed face as his movements aren't solely dictated by the melody. I embrace him tighter and he leans in.

"You want to sneak out of here? I have plans for you my... husband."

The words, delivered with a low, deliberate purr, send a bolt of heat through me. I tighten my grip around him, the very notion of what his 'plans' entail sparking a wildfire of desire. The music, the crowd, it all falls away until there's nothing but the anticipation thrumming between us.

"After all, it is our wedding night..."

His breath on my ear, the promise in his voice - it's all the motivation I need. Without a word, I nod, offering a mischievous grin that's mirrored in his own sapphire gaze. With a subtle tilt of his head, he leads me by the hand towards the exit.

We exchange quiet laughter with a few of our guests who nod and wink, understanding exactly what this early exit signifies.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Sam's playful shout follows us, and though I don't look back, I can feel his eyes on us, brimming with happiness for what we have, for what we're about to celebrate in the most intimate of ways.

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