New Life

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Seo Do Yoon stood nervous in front of the wooden door. His new life is waiting for him on the other side. 

Getting out of his previous High school was not easy but he had to do it, he had to do it, to keep living. He left his parents and now was living alone, just so he could start a new life.

The door slid open, his new homeroom teacher Mr. Lee signaled him to get in. He gulped and went in. He felt the gaze of his new classmates on him.

Mr. Lee: Everyone, this is your new classmate. Introduce yourself (Looking at Do Yoon).

Do Yoon took a deep breath and started to introduce himself.

Do Yoon: is Seo Do Yoon (said stammering).

Mr. Lee saw Do Yoon panicking and stammering. So he tapped on his shoulder, telling him that it was okay.

Mr. Lee: Okay. There is only one empty seat left. Song Joo ha!

A boy in messy hair raised his hand from the back.

Mr. Lee: Do Yoon, go take the empty beside Joo ha. 

As Do Yoon walked towards the only empty seat, he could feel other students looking at him with pity. He heard someone whispering, "Now none can save him. Poor guy." Do Yoon started to to get anxious. And when he sat at the seat, Joo Ha welcomed him with a smirk. "Scary!" was the only thought Do Yoon had after watching that smirk.

All the four periods were finished without any problem being aroused. And, it was now their launch break. Most of the students went out as soon as the bell rang. Do Yoon was hoping for someone to approach him but none did, and the guy beside him was just too intimidating for him to strike up a conversation. So, Do Yoon rested his head on the desk and tried sleeping a little bit. He could not sleep more than two-three hours at night, since last year. But he always tried to fulfill his sleep at daytime. 

Then suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw Joo Ha smirking at him in a scary way. He flinched at the sight. And he flinched again as he heard a bunch of guys laughing from behind. This was nothing new for him. He knew this feeling, he knew what will happen now. His eyes became teary just at the thought of it. He stood up and tried to make a run for the door but failed. Joo Ha him grabbed his arm. 

Do Yoon could not see anything as his eyes were all filled with tear now.

Joo Hs grabbed his chin with other hand and turned his head toward him. He was shocked to see that Do Yoon was already a crying mess. He laughed looking at the crying boy.

He screamed, "OMO... we have a crybaby to entertain us here. Lucky!!!" Saying that he started laughing louder. The boys surrounding them also started to laugh. They were making many comments. One of them was touching Do Yoon's hair. He could feel that Joo Ha was saying something to him holding his chin up.

But Do Yoon could not hear anything, could not see anything. He was crying, sweating and trembling. But nothing stopped the boys from bullying him. Suddenly he felt his collar being grabbed and soon he was thrown into the floor which brought him back to reality. Joo Ha came upto him as he was groaning in pain. He held Do Yoon's chin up, went closer to his ear. And whispered, "I am Song Joo Ha. And when I talk, you listen and respond. Understood?" 

"I will obey Song Joo Ha. Say it!" Joo Ha now screamed grabbing Do Yoon's collar

Some guy screamed from behind, "Yaaa... You think if you cry, we will leave you."

Another guy added, "What a drama queen! We didn't even do anything yet."

Then Do Yoon felt a strong force on his back. Someone just kicked him from behind. He groaned in pain, lying on the floor. But he was not given much time as another hand grabbed his collar once again.

And he could hear Joo Ha screaming once again, "I will obey Song Joo Ha. Say it!"

"I-I will obey Song Joo Ha." Do Yoon said in a low voice. Joo Ha smirked at him and then he moved his hands from Do Yoon's collar to his cheek.

"Good boy!" Joo Ha smirked.

Do Yoon felt like throwing up, he tried standing up but his back was hurting. He fell and started groaning again.

Joo Ha and his gang had left. But one of them remained there. As soon as the others had left, he helped Do Yoon stand up and helped him to go to the washroom, and left without saying anything.

And Do Yoon was too dizzy to look at his face, as soon as he reached the washroom, he started to throw up.

He was sobbing and mumbling one thing again and again.

"Why me! Why again! Why!"

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