One warm moment

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Do Yoon's pov:

I was walking. I did't know where I am going. I remembered saying to myself that morning, that I would get over my past, I would leave all those scars behind, but there I was. The scars from my past had not even healed completely yet, and I had new scars now.

The roads were crowded. There were people all around. They all looked happy. I kept bumping into them. They glared at me like I was some junk.

I stopped in front of a park. The park was small but it was empty at least. I sat on a bench. Everything was so calm. Everything was so peaceful. And then all of a sudden, my eyes went blurry once again. I started to cry my lungs out.

'Why does the world need to be this much cruel!'
'Why does it need to bring me down so much!'

I could feel my body trembling. I had not eaten anything that day, well, the situations were not really suitable for me to sit and eat something.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind.

"Yah Seo Do Yoon!"

It was too dark to figure out who it was but the voice made it clear. It was Song Joo Ha. I suddenly stood up wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. But my body gave up. Everything thing went black out in a moment. I could hear Joo Ha screaming my name.

'Once again I was running. Didn't I just fainted? Why am I running then? Why is it so dark? Then I saw him. I screamed out his name. He looked at me. He was standing on the edge of the roof. I kept calling out his name. I was running for hours but the distance never got smaller. At one point he looked at me. I saw him smile. But there were tears pouring down his eyes. I kept running. I kept running. And then, in just a split second, he was gone. I screamed.'

I opened my eyes screaming. I touched my face. It was completely wet. How long have I been dreaming for!

I came back to reality when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was all like a deja Vu. I looked up praying, 'Please don't be Joo Ha!' But it was Joo Ha as I looked up.

He looked worried. I looked around and realized that I was in a hospital. I saw a nurse walking by, I asked her, "When can I get out?"

She pointed at the IV fluid and left. I sighed. I tried not to look at Joo Ha. But I could feel him staring at me.

"You were crying the whole time." Joo Ha broke the silence.

I started at him. "And?" I said rather in a cold tone.

"Because of what I did?" He mumbled.

I was shocked. I have been bullied by so many bad guys but none of them ever looked guilty for what they did. But Joo Ha clearly looked guilty.
I decided not to answer and closed my eyes.

"I never meant to do that to you. But I don't know, I can't explain. I am not gonna say sorry because that will not be fair to you." Joo Ha mumbled.

I opened my eyes and saw him fidgeting like a nervous teenage girl. I smiled.
He looked so shocked as he saw me smile. I was surprised at myself too. Maybe, him feeling guilty made me feel good.

When I was done with my IV, I decided to leave though they advised to stay the night at the hospital. But what really bothered me was Joo Ha following me.

He was being extra about everything. He kept asking if I need to buy any medicine, if I had any food at home, if I had any money, if I wanted to take a taxi, if my body was aching.

At the beginning, I was ignoring him. But he was not giving up. And he was being so awkward while asking those questions as if he had never done something like this before.

"I am calling a taxi." He declared. I glared at him in response.

"For you?", I asked in a sarcastic tone. He stared at me as it was first time I answered to him.

"Obviously for you!", once again Joo Ha declared.

" I don't need it." I said and kept walking.

"Then I will follow you." Joo Ha said.

He actually did follow me. I started to have a feeling that he might want to know my address to bully me further. So I stopped walking all of a sudden.

Joo ha was surprised, he stopped too

"What? Are you okay? Can you not walk anymore? I told you to take a taxi! Aiisshh you are being so stubborn." He started to gramble, but he was looking very concerned about my health for real.

"Why?" I asked in a cold tone.

He looked at me blankly. "What do you mean?"

"Why are you helping me? Why are being nice? Tomorrow you will beat me up once again. Then why?" I almost screamed.

His expression suddenly got scary. I was ready to get a punch. But he didn't do anything. He just glared at me like he was gonna tear off my head any moment now.

He then sighed.

"I know that you think of me as a terrible person. And why won't you? I bullied you on your first day. But... But right now, I am seriously worried about you."

I could not say anything in return as my brain could not really process the whole thing. My bully who had beaten me up twice that day, was now saying that he is worried about me.

" you have.... split personalities?"
I asked. I was not joking. I was pretty serious.

He seemed to froze for a moment and then started to laugh.

"Goodnight, Do Yoon-ah!" He said while leaving.

And I stood there for a moment still trying to figure what was going on.

But I was kind of happy all of a sudden. As if all the pain had disappeared. I went home and ate some instant ramen and went to bed praying for a better tomorrow.

"That guy is weird." I said smiling while thinking about my bully.

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