Chapter 2 : Something Formidable

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Kian's P.O.V

The account's department gave us all copies of annual report and we were all delighted to see the growth and rising stocks of our company . We pondered over it for a while , discussions and arguments broke out but overall the meeting adjourned on a good note . Uncle Gerard congratulated us and praised us on our hard work and dedication simultaneously motivating us to keep up the good work. The day surmised on a happy note .

Next morning as of my routine I was going through the annual report of this fiscal year, Suddenly I felt apprehensive and sweat rolled down my spine despite just being taken a shower after hitting the gym . I felt cold chills going through me . I wasn't even looking for it and it came across just like that " it " being a " recurrence ". What I was seeing or looking at I was unsure of but very much aware that something was amiss. I looked through but couldn't pinpoint the source ,It was just in my grasp but somehow evading . I tried to unravel the knots and ties but was unsuccessful. There was something daunting about it .Only last week I had given a cursory look to past five years annual reports just to be cognizant of whole traction so everything was still fresh in my mind . It is an onerous task for which unfortunately I don't have time due to my tight schedule .

I called another meeting with only account department heads and my siblings not even including our V.P. Since I was ambiguous and wanted to get rid of this puissant intuition. I was also being tight lipped about this whole matter because it could be nothing more than a figment of my imagination.

All account heads that is Ed Clinton , Jean Smart , Henry Wayne and Francis Peyton were all present at the scheduled time when I entered the conference room with my siblings . I commenced the meeting .

"It's been five years since I joined this corporation.With hard work of my siblings and my father and grandfather before him who all worked day and night to bring this business to a level where we can proudly say that we are known Internationally.We employ thousands of workers worldwide and it is in our best interest to take care of our establishment as well as those who work equally hard under us."

" I will not blabber more but tell you this that there is something fishy with our annual figures.Right now I can't explain how I know ? but there is something and you are going to find it since it's your job as department heads ."

My sister Kiara was looking at me with curious eyes and my brothers were trying to digest everything I just said.The faces of all the people attending the meeting were shocked .It would have been hilarious if we were not in a predicament .With the given security of our accounting system it was hard to digest but I am quite confident in my instinct as an entrepreneur .

I give them a week to look for the source without any intervention.
So that they can find it with new eyes.

There was no doubt in minds of my siblings regarding the bomb I just exploded in front of them . Keith , Kiara and Kovu all believed in me , this strong was the bond between us . Now there was nothing we could do but wait for results .

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