Chapter 12: Traitor amongst us.....

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Our boy Leo(Kenneth)👆

Kenneth's p.o.v

Kian was beyond shocked.I made him sit on the chair and gave him water. I think he was more surprised by the fraud's identity then the amount ripped over the years.He hasn't disclosed the identity to me yet but I gathered he knows who it is?

I was worn out but I could not leave him there like this so I called Kiara. She came with other two Abram brothers to help Kian. As for me my work here was finished. I was no longer needed. I was bone tired and Kiara could feel my exhaustion so she opened the guest bedroom in Kian's house for me to sleep. She asked me to wait for them to return.

Well beggars can't be choosers and the bed looked very inviting. I just went and fell on the bed. It was very soft and comforting I think the sleep engulfed me even before my head hit the pillow. I love numbers and they love me back but this particular assignment took something out of me. Maybe because of all the emotional turmoil I was going through.

I slept and even my dreams were full of a particular pair of beautiful amber eyes.

Kian's p.o.v

Leo called my siblings as I was in a shocked state. Even through my haze I noticed how drained he looked and in desperate need of some rest. I quietly signaled Kiara to open the guest bedroom for him and not to let him leave the house in his state of exhaustion.With that settled and Leo gone for his rest I discussed the whole matter with other three. I told them about my conclusion and they agreed the culprit was none other than my father's best friend Mr. Gerard Sinclair. Our Vice President.

We set up a meeting with him on the same day and went to the office to confront him.

I said " Uncle Gerard how could you do this? Gerard was livid and asked me"What are you talking about boy? Have you forgotten that I am your father's best friend and this company's V.P.What are you accusing me off? I told him "You know what you did ?Do you want me to spell it out loud? Uncle Gerard went pale and started stuttering "wh....what are you trying to say ?" " We know Uncle Gerard , We know about the money and we know about Slewith manufacturing " colour drained from his face but he again said "I did no such thing ,How dare you? tarnishing my reputation like this on some whim. I helped this corp reach the heights it's at. I was there in all the up's and down's. Your father trusted me with everything." What are you trying to achieve? And you three are in on it with him? What proof do you have, I will sue you for defamation? Now I was beyond angry. I asked "Do you think I am on to you without any shred of proof? Uncle Gerard we know about your gambling addiction and the money pilfering.I can tell the exact point ten years back when you made the first fake entry to the last fake entry you made previous week.Gerard paled more, his knees gave out and he sat with a thump. He told us that at first gambling was a harmless fun and later it turned into an obsession,at the beginning money was taken with an intent to be given back but later the guilt of stealing faded and it became means to an end.We all listened to his sob story without any sympathy.He agreed to all our terms on the condition that we will not tell anything to our father in order to keep his friendship with our father intact and not to loose the respect in his eyes.

Keith then told him to hand in his resignation quietly and asked him to call for a press conference and announce his voluntary retirement citing health issues. We also asked him to liquify his assets in order to return the stolen amount back to the firm. He signed all the papers our lawyer gave him.The press conference was held later that evening and there was a huge uproar regarding Gerard's announcement but it all toned out when he said that the stress of running a corporation this huge was affecting his health and now he wanted to take care of it.

After sorting this matter we were drained.We all longed for bed .We all left for our property to get a good night's sleep .In the car Kiara put her head on my shoulder half asleep she says "Kian don't let Leo go.he's someone who has the ability to understand you so, please give him a chance. Learn everything about him. All his good ,bad and ugly. If he is able to penetrate through your walls please give him a chance and then love him, cherish him and never let him go ever". The guys agreed with her.Keith looked me in the eyes and said "If you have even a little bit of feelings for him and if he is interested as well then pursue him wholeheartedly.It's not easy to find someone you want to spend your whole life with". I felt relieved and confident. Relieved to know that my siblings are their with me at every step and my confidence was boosted by my siblings confidence in Leo's feelings for me and mine for him.

We reached Kiara's house first Keith promised to tuck her in bed and told me they would crash at her place too since they don't want to move. Their house was literally five minutes by cart. These carts are just like golf carts we had one at each house to commute between each other's property if we didn't feel like walking. I went to my place where Leo was. With my gaite full of confidence I went to win someone for very first time in years.

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