CHAPTER 17:- Relationships And Commitments....

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Keith's p.o.v

We were on the phone whole night long. We talked about our childhoods, my siblings, funny stories, inside jokes, high school ,our crushes , bucket lists, our past relationships, our parents, embarrassing incidents. We shared every little detail. I don't think I have ever spoken this much in my life must be Leo's charm.He has me bewitched.Every trivial little detail was shared. Despite being awake whole night I felt so refreshed in the morning that Keith, Kiara and Kovu barging in on me unannounced didn't dampen my jovial mood a bit.

And ofcourse they noticed that I was not my grumpy self. With their eyebrows raised they started circling me like sharks. All three of them said "SPILL" together.I wasn't ready to "spill" yet so I morphed my face from happy to intimidating It might have worked on others, they would have been trembling by now but these were my siblings they were least bothered. Exasperated I said "not yet". The beauty of the situation was that they backed off immediately and gave me space. They knew that I will tell them everything when I am comfortable. Since understanding is one thing and teasing is another they grilled me about my joyous mood and started asking about Leo too.

While I was contemplating , that WITCH Kiara with her two minions Keith and Kovu called our parents via video conferencing and after seeing something on my face most probably the serenity I was feeling radiated out to them and they were so happy that now my parents were on my back pestering me about Leo. Now they too want to meet him and were head on about face timing him right at the moment. My parents wanted to meet Leo and his parents.My dad and Keith were talking about grilling Leo about his intentions towards me like this was some 16 century and I was some naive kid who could be exploited. It was all very mind boggling and I was so happy that my parents and siblings were so excited and supportive.Somehow between this mayhem I managed to kick my over excited siblings out of my house side by side pacifying my parents too.My parents retreated for now but they warned me that they are cutting their trip short and coming back to meet Leo so I need to sort everything out before they return.

I was so overwhelmed that I called Leo.He picked up on first ring as if he was awaiting my call.I informed him about the whole drama. I thought he would feel smothered with all this family drama since he is a single child and loner most of his life but he was enjoying and was laughing relentlessly.At that moment I felt how right he was for me as he had seamlessly integrated himself into my family and how my family has melded his presence in their hearts without any doubt.

Kenneth's p.o.v 

I picked up my phone to call Kian as I was missing him too much.After talking whole night the silence was killing me. It started ringing and It was Kian calling me. HIs voice was very cautious and carefully soothing as if pacifying a scared child.

"Hey Leo I wanted to talk to you about something important.You can always say no....(ya you are right,same thoughts now he asks for my consent). He sounded scared so I was a bit alarmed "What is it Kian? Is everything all right with you? I can immediately come over if you need me should I? ""No no It's nothing like that it's just,  ok don't be alarmed "Kian pacified. At the moment the way he was talking , it was spiking my anxiety level "Oh spit it out already.". My parents and siblings want to meet you and your family" He said in a single breath as if he thought I would run for the hills after hearing this. The relief that it was nothing majorly serious was so overwhelming that I started laughing.He told me " Kiara and her minions( I laughed at that analogy) video called my parents and they saw something in me that made them so happy that they immediately cancelled their future travel plans and are coming back home to meet you first and later your family." I was ecstatic after hearing this that his parents could also perceive his visible happiness and that I was the one responsible for his state of contentment. I was too complacence to run away.

Kian warned me that his parents wants to grill me about our relationship status and his siblings wants to know me better as his someone special. Since we haven't given a name to our relationship yet and since he didn't know how much I want his family to know about me, It was difficult for him to indulge them. I was touched by his concern once more.He was prioritizing my privacy over them which was very unusual for him as their were no secrets in his family moreover in between the siblings so I was a bit shocked by his consideration.I didn't want to put him in any predicament with his family nor I want him to keep any secrets. There was one more side of me that I want him to know. Though I have warned him verbally about dangers on being with me he needs to see the level of measures I take to maintain my anonymity. Maybe then he could better understand my warnings. So, I invited him to my home where he will see all my good , bad and ugly.Then he can decide if he wants to go ahead and let me meet his family or if he wants to back off. I have to do this for us.

Keith's p.o.v

Leo invited me to his home.He told me that he wants me to know all about real him and not the facade he created to save his family .He booked a chartered plane warning me against my company plane since our going in and out of country always creates rumours about new mergers or acquisitions in business world or makes paparazzi follow us for our candid photographs. It always attracts unnecessary attention.I went along with him on everything just being patient as he wanted me to be. He wanted me fly at night and not use any of our cars or our regular phones to commute in order to not attract attention. I found it unnecessary but still obliged.

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