Chapter 5 : Puzzle that Puzzled!!!

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Kenneth at your service .👆

Kenneth's p.o.v

So I was looking for information on the Abrams. I got to know quite a bit by searching social media. Kian was the only one I couldn't get a read on. He had zero media presence and there was only a wisp of information about him here and there. He was well known for his business acumen , also for his ingenuity and resourcefulness . Grape wine has it that "He is a proactive troubleshooter of such prominence that his intuitive thinking creates  innovative solutions unlike anybody. Even their competitors sometimes approached him for solutions."

Keith, Kiara, Kovu all three have there individual units to lead but Kian is the one who is the converging force of Magma corps. It is said that Keith was the most respected but it was Kian who was the most loved employer at Magma corps.

Kian had very few pictures online attending summits or meetings or parties. He is always accompanied by family his sister, Mother even by his secretary. He is never seen with a high profile date male or female. There were no rumours about his dating life. Though he was classified as the most mysterious, most eligible, most sorted bachelor out there. I garnered from my search that he was an Introvert, extremely sagacious with degrees from prestigious universities. Oxford, Cambridge included. It is said that he is very protective of his family and his family keeps quiet about him and shields him in return. They or any employee of magma corps. never gossip about him to tabloids or in general public. There was no mention of his sexuality either.

I can read people from a mile away ,with my intellect it's easy to do so. Kian was something of a complexity I very much wanted to resolve. He enthralled me and I wanted to  unravel the mystery that he is. He was a riddle not only to me but to World as well.  I was hooked.

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