Chapter 6: LIGHTS

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                                                                           Lora's POV

Surprisingly enough, they let us in, i guess me and Axton do pass as adults. She dragged me inside and i was hit with bright lights and some really loud dubstep.

i opened my eyes and 




the place was HUGE, there were bars and mini restaurants on the outer edge of the place. the bartenders were playing and tossing the drinks in such an attractive way. in the inner edge was the open stage, there was enough space for the band and performers to run and preform freely. at the time, it was a local band called " POISON IVY" playing, 2 bass players, 1 drummer, a male singer and the side dancers. 

I was so focused on one band member in particular, he was the one of the bass players, he was also a skunk like Axton, but he was...something else.

When he played, he played with passion, with such sexy personality, it made me feel things, i admired him so much, he's everything i want to be.

Axton noticed me going googly eyes on him and dragged me away to the VIP centre. it was a large, long couch with a cooler next to the edge, and apparently, VIP'S get free food and drinks!

We sat in the middle, the other VIPS smiled at us, for upperclassmen they were really nice. as POISON IVY finished their song, we were offered drinks and food, i took the fizzy drinks {even though I'm of age} and Axton went to town on the champagne. before she could finish her 3 bottles i took it away from her and wrapped my arm around her, whispering into her ear

" if you get too drunk or vomit on me, i will leave you here, so behave."

that sentence worked cause she sat it straight and sipped the rest of her drink slowly. 

Then the room went black, we thought it was an outage, till we heard loud fireworks and see 2 figures appearing in the mist.

WOOOOOOOOOOO. A person shouted i didn't know what was happening till i heard

" YALL READY FOR THIS!" Lennox shouted, and everyone got hyped and yelled.

Then the lights return, crimson red and yellow tinted lights more specifically. Celeste and Lennox were wearing this cute white suit, it was like a shirt skirt with tights underneath and these cute long socks. Celeste grabs onto the pole behind her, and spins up it, then slowly falling upside down, letting all the gems on her shine into the crowd. Lennox was just peacefully singing the verse, intereacting with the crowd and winking at us. i had no idea what was happening but what i didn't expect-

Lennox smiled and ran towards Celeste, she spin facing forward and used her legs to keep her afloat as Lennox jumped into her arms. The crowd went wild as Celste held lennox with just her one arm, Axton was screaming at the top of her lungs, clearly enjoying herself too much.

Celeste and Lennox jumped off and danced together, in a tango like fashion. Celeste taking the role of the male dancer and Lennox [of course] takes the female role, which made sense. Celsete is hella stronger than Lennox,  so the swap of gender roles only made everyone so HYPED. 

The intense spins and turns, smooth dips and near kisses, the tension between the two was so amazing, they were so synced, they knew how to make everyone's breath leave them, and i was one of their victims.

Lennox got his solo, rapping and flirting with the crowd as he got close to the VIP area, my heart was jumping out of my chest, as he got close to us, his eyes locked onto someone else

...oh no

It was Zyx! Clearly not happy to be there, but he hadn't noticed us yet, so we ducked under the table

"I THOUGHT U SAID HE WOULDN'T FIND US!" Axton whispered and hit my arm.

" I THOUGHT SO TOO, oh no, i think he saw my invitation on my bed..great."

While we were yelling at each other, Axton pointed to Zyx and Lennox, standing right in front of each other.. in the spotlight.

Zyx looked so mad and most of all.. embarrassed and Lennox was smirking and took Zyx, dancing around him and dragging him to centre stage, continuing the song like nothing is happening, the cheers soon turned into silence and murmurs from the audience. I felt so bad for my prince, i didn't think he would actually go after me, and now he's in the spotlight, after years of hiding.

At this point, i would be surprised if this becomes the "hot topic" for the rest of the year.

But dang, with both of them in fancy attire, and Zyx playing along with him

there was TENSION, and people could see it too

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