Chapter 8

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Qua-Toyne Principality P.O.V.

The naval power of the entity that appeared before the Qua-Toynian Navy was overwhelming. In front of them, the Qua-Toynian Navy with its sailing ships seemed like puny things. The commander of the Qua-Toynian Second Fleet, who was about to conduct an inspection, stiffened as he saw the massive hull before him.

'What is this... It's like an island floating on the sea... And it's not made of wood, but rather a giant ship made of iron... It's already so huge, and there's another ship just like this one...!'

The ships escorting the massive black ship were also made of iron, which was already sufficiently large by Qua-Toynian standards, but compared to the gigantic ship resembling an island in front of them, they were mere boats. This highlighted the disparity in technological civilization levels.

'The unfamiliar wyvern that flew over us earlier... And the unidentified wyvern that fell onto Maihark... Are they from the faction that owns this ship...?'

The commander of the Second Fleet became convinced. Only the great powers could move such massive ships. He understood that this was something that no small or medium-sized countries, or even civilizations on the continent, could achieve. Even if he didn't want to admit it, his military instinct was insisting that it was true.

Furthermore, what surprised them was the gigantic cannons mounted on the island-like ship. Taller than forts built like castles, with six cannons in total, three in the front and three in the rear. Those cannons were slowly turning, aimed towards Maihark.

"Sir... this is..."

"There's no mistake, those mounted on the bow are probably gigantic field cannons... Even if it's a gun like the ones the great powers are making, it's just too huge... I've never heard of cannons as big as towers."

"So, what are they aiming at Maihark...?"

"Probably trying to force us into negotiation... Refuse, and they'll unleash an attack on Maihark..."

Soon, a ship emitting an eerie sound departed from the island and approached the Qua-Toynian sailing ship. The commander was taken aback by the incredible speed of the small boat, but he was relieved that he could communicate with the soldiers aboard the small boat.

"We are the First Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Where is the commander of your country?"

"That would be me... Is this your means of transport?"

"Good, you understand Japanese... Of course, the fleet commander wishes to see you. Please board the launch."

"Alright, but I want to bring two of my subordinates. Is that acceptable?"

"Just a moment... The opposing commander requests permission for his companions to accompany him... Yes, understood... Permission granted. We want them to come with you."

"Ah, I see... That's a relief..."

Before boarding their small boat, the commander was already experiencing culture shock. Established means of communication with distant places, and not through magical communication.

Strange military uniforms, strange tools, and overwhelming power.

The commander of the Qua-Toynian Second Fleet found himself compelled to establish contact between the so-called Japanese Empire and the upper echelons of the Principality of Qua-Toyne as a negotiator.


"A-a nation from another world...?"

"Yes, they are the Japanese Empire, claiming responsibility for the unidentified flying object that attacked Maihark recently, causing numerous casualties, and they possess naval power surpassing our country."

"The Japanese Empire... So, the nation that inflicted heavy damage on Maihark has come right to our doorstep!?"

"They have come to a point 10 kilometers offshore from Maihark... Moreover, there are two ships estimated to be over 300 meters in length, and other accompanying ships are over 100 meters, all equipped with huge cannons aimed at Maihark..."

"An iron ship 300 meters long!? Not even the Parpaldians possess ships that large!"

"Furthermore, there are two triple cannons longer than fortresses... Even if they are presumed to be loaded with magical projectiles, they are presumed to possess considerable firepower!"

A commotion erupted at the Lotus Garden, which could be considered the heart of the Principality of Qua-Toyne's politics. It was still a fresh memory since the unidentified flying object that invaded Maihark had crashed and burned after contacting the walls of the coastal fortress.

Scorched remains of the iron wyvern and buildings at the crash site emitted a more offensive smell than any fire magic. The damage was significant, especially since the unidentified flier fell into the market where fresh fish from offshore Maihark was being traded.

There were already 287 confirmed deaths, and with the injured, there were too many for just the mages of Maihark to handle, so they had brought mages from the capital to focus on treatment.

"...Then, did they make any demands?"

One wrong move and there would be war. Kanata, the Prime Minister of the Qua-Toyne, cautiously inquired of the naval commander who brought the report.

"Sir. They claim to be a nation from another world and wish to arrange a discussion, including the recent incident in Maihark..."

"A discussion... In any case, we must welcome them as guests. Even dealing with the conflicting situation with the Kingdom of Louria is too much for us. We must avoid any actions that would increase our enemies further. Inform all the troops to be cautious and establish a negotiation with this otherworldly nation that called itself the Japanese Empire..."

If the Japanese Empire, claiming to be a nation from another world, attacked Qua-Toyne now... They wouldn't have the luxury to focus on the war with the Kingdom of Louria. For Kanata, the only option left was to negotiate with this Japanese Empire.

"Let's prepare for dialogue with them... at least while they are still rational."

What would they say...?


Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus

(Let justice be done, though the world perish...)

- Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand I

The Eleventh Hour

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