Chapter 54

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September 20, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 13:00

Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

Dispatched from the homeland and entrusted with the command of the security police force, General Mutō felt that the land of Altaras was akin to a new Manchuria. In the midst of the unilateral actions of the Army and the Kwantung Army that began with the Manchurian Incident, the influence he exerted... or brought about, was by no means insignificant.

Like General Nishi, there were those within the military who criticized Mutō's actions, but Mutō, who had pacified the Chinese mainland and established interests in Manchuria through his prowess, was an object of admiration for the military hardliners and proponents of a tough military stance.

Due to the transference phenomenon, Mutō had essentially left the majority of his combat units in Manchuria and Mongolia under his command, making it a struggle for him to establish his own power base. The reason he volunteered for the security force at present was that in the homeland, the Reformists led by Admiral Takagi of the Navy already held the reins of political power, and factions like his within the Army, though not entirely disappeared, had lost their voice.

So, if he could establish a base in Altaras, which was detached from the mainland's control, not only could the homeland push troublemakers like himself onto other countries, but Mutō himself could establish power and maintain the authority of the security force stationed in the Kingdom of Altaras. It was a mutually beneficial deal.

While inspecting the training of new recruits who had lost their jobs in the homeland due to the transference phenomenon, Mutō was informed of a surprise attack by the Parpaldian military while briefing with the captains of the security force.

"General! Urgent report! Multiple shootings and shelling against civilians have been confirmed from the Parpaldian Embassy just now. Furthermore, it appears that there are numerous casualties due to the aerial bombardment by wyverns launched from the carriers believed to be offshore."

"Parpaldia!? Is this information certain?"

"Yes, sir, we have received emergency broadcasts not only from the military but also from the radios of Yotsui and Hachibishi. It seems there's no mistake from the content."

"It's time..."

At the military base on the outskirts of the capital, upon hearing of the audacity of the Parpaldia Empire, he was convinced that the time had finally come. As the mastermind behind the Marco Polo Bridge Incident and the Nanjing Massacre, he had been maneuvering within the military, exploiting the unrest in the mainland to gain control over the Kwantung and Manchurian armies and to acquire economic and military interests.

Now is the time... to deploy the military force in the open towards seizing control of the resources and power of Altaras.

"How is the situation in the capital... is it still connected?"

"Yes, Parpaldian wyverns are already flying over the capital, and it's reported that they have limited control of the airspace."

"What's the situation at Atenor Palace?"

"Just now, we received an emergency transmission that Atenor Castle has been attacked by dozens of Parpaldian soldiers. They are currently engaged in combat."

"...We shall make our move as well for a security operation in Le Brias. Inform the homeland as well. 'The Parpaldian military has launched a surprise attack on the capital. In accordance with the secret pact with the Kingdom of Altaras, the security force will suppress the invading foreign forces.' And relay it to all units. From now on, march towards the capital of Le Brias."

Mutō decided to recall all units stationed in the Siltras Mine and the outskirts of the capital. These units, which had been entrusted with guarding the Siltras Mine, upon hearing Mutō's orders, hurriedly began to move towards the capital. Accompanying them was an armored unit consisting of Type 5 tanks and Type 17 Shin Hōtō Ho-Ki IFVs. The transport helicopter unit stationed on the outskirts of the capital, equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns for wyvern countermeasures, was tasked with intercepting the Parpaldian wyverns that were circling the airspace above the capital.

Even though the Parpaldians consisted only of a few dozen military officers and soldiers stationed at the embassy. Nevertheless, the Japanese suffered considerable losses from exploding magic and wyvern suicide attacks. As a result, the Japanese military became wary of magic and Mutō judged that they were capable of leading armed groups that could inflict damage on tanks and armored vehicles even against the Parpaldian use of magical cannons.

"It seems that the Parpaldia Empire indeed possesses a considerable military force. To resort to gunfire, artillery shelling, and even aerial attacks by wyverns..."

"They certainly live up to their status as a major power in the Third Civilization Area."

"However... that alone won't suffice to subdue them... Use field artillery."

"...Then, are we going to subdue the embassy with field artillery, sir?"

"Yes. The Parpaldia Empire has violated the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Altaras and launched an attack. Moreover, indiscriminate attacks on civilians are not war, they are massacres. If the embassy doesn't stop, then our shelling is also to stop the massacre. It makes sense."

Mutō also issued orders for artillery bombardment on the Parpaldian Embassy using Type 96 15 cm howitzers. Although aware of the chaotic situation in the capital of Le Brias, the main concern was the safety of King Taara XIV.

His aide asked Mutō about what to do regarding the king's safety.

"However, at this rate, isn't King Taara XIV's life also in danger...?"

"That's true... At this rate, His Majesty's life may indeed be in danger... But..."


"If King Taara XIV were to be found dead in the palace, it would be the most convenient for us to act. Let's hold the Parpaldia Empire accountable for stirring up great conspiracy."

Mutō smiled faintly and added to his aide's command. "No need to show consideration for the Parpaldians. Defend Le Brias. Protect the capital by any means necessary."

Mutō will be able to restore order...

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