Chapter 39

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July 1, 1963 / Year 1639 Central Calendar, 11:00

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

The defensive network of Jin-Hark Castle had already been breached by more than half. The role of the soldiers as defense mechanisms had already collapsed; they were being shot through armored layers one after another, as easily as breaking paper screens.

Even the scorched earth tactics employing combustible magic stones were futile. Before most of the units could implement them, they were either incapacitated by tear gas or being shot or burned to death by Japanese soldiers wielding flamethrowers.

The sounds of gunfire, explosions, and the screams of soldiers echoed throughout, reached even the room where King Louria XXXIV resided. Without a doubt, the Japanese forces were drawing near. Though the great king had already donned his armor and prepared to fight on this throne, inwardly he felt overwhelmed with fear at the rapid advance of the enemy.

"At last, they're finally coming here as well..."

"Your Majesty, we, the Royal Guards and the mages, will provide support. We should at least be able to give the first wave of attackers a tough time."

"Indeed, fleeing from here would be a shameful act even for the Royal Guards. We are grateful for the opportunity to face a formidable enemy."

Captain Rand of the Royal Guards spoke reverently to the king. At least, as Royal Guards, they were proud to protect a king who showed the determination to defend the throne until the end. Meanwhile, combatants like Patagene, Yamirei, and Calzio stood ready near the throne, poised in a defensive formation to confront the Japanese forces whenever they attacked this location.

The tear gas attacks were swiftly countered by the mages, who used magic to disperse them with the wind, ensuring the safety of the defenders. This allowed the elite force of 800 gathered as defense troops to regroup within the castle.

"The lower defense positions are all silent... they appear to have been captured!"

"Contact with the 14th Cavalry Squadron is lost...!"

"The 7th Heavy Infantry Company has been wiped out! No survivors!"

"The second floor has been completely taken! The enemy is using weapons like magic wands to launch invisible magic attacks! We can no longer—AAAAAAH!!!"

"The 3rd Royal Guard will now launch a rallying cry attack against the enemy! We entrust you to protect us, Sir Patagene! All units, charge!!!"

The communication soldier conducting magical communication looked distressed, constantly updating on the advancing Japanese forces.

All the updates transmitted were grim. With no reports of successful counterattacks or defense, it seemed the Japanese soldiers were deploying extremely powerful magical assaults.

The ceiling trembled with a low, ominous sound. Explosives were being used within Hark Castle. The cultural heritage left behind by the predecessors who ruled the various provinces of the Kingdom of Louria was being destroyed in this conflict.

Patagene had resolved to die in this battle. He instructed Rand, the leader of the Royal Guards, to protect the king at all costs.

"Rand, no matter what, protect the king at all costs. If the enemy breaches this place, I'll be the first to confront them."


"The heavy infantry units, maintain defensive positions in the audience chamber! Once the enemy breaches, initiate magic stone attacks!!!"

"The palace mages, bestow healing magic upon the soldiers, keep chanting so they can be healed even when injured..."

"No matter what kind of attack, they cannot break through our united front!"

The 800 elite defenders who guarded the audience chamber and the surroundings of the throne remained brave despite being cornered. However, their bravery led to their downfall, one by one.

The Japanese soldiers who stormed into the audience chamber had blasted open the heavy iron doors that were firmly shut. Anticipating the breach of the doors, the Lourians immediately ignited combustible magic stones and threw them in as soon as the explosion occurred. In an instant, flames and smoke engulfed the entrance of the doors, but there were no death cries from the Japanese soldiers.

In fact, it fell silent. No sounds of the enemy's footsteps could be heard.

"Hey... aren't the enemy soldiers coming in...?"

"No way... did they retreat?"

"I don't know... I'll go take a look."

"Be careful, if anything happens, come back immediately..."

After more than three minutes passed without any sign of entry, one of the suspicious heavy infantrymen approached to check the situation. Suddenly, with a loud sound, he limply fell backward with a gaping hole in his headgear from which blood spurted.


The soldiers in the audience chamber couldn't comprehend what had happened. Despite the lack of magical signatures, the soldier in front of them had been shot through the head and killed.

Then, with deafening noise, the soldiers of the heavy infantry and cavalry units in the audience chamber were slaughtered by countless flying fragments emitting flashes. Unaware, they were mowed down by the explosives and machine guns set up by the Japanese troops, who considered them nothing more than targets that appeared in training.

"Commence suppression fire, shoot anyone moving, shoot to kill."

"Treat them like training dummies, it's anticipated they'll resist and use combustible magic stones."

"The Lourian King likely fled... or may be hiding around here. Don't let your guard down even after suppression fire is complete."

"Alright... but they were truly off guard."

"I swear. Pity them, but this is war... this will be the payback for the massacre at Gim."

"Everyone here is a combatant... fire at will!"

The heavy machine gun fire, accompanied by the constant roar, soaked the audience chamber in blood. In less than two minutes, the audience chamber was paved with the corpses of over 600 soldiers who had been on standby. Most of those who could fight had been waiting in the audience chamber. The soldiers felled by the heavy machine guns died without even understanding what had happened. And as bullets flew toward the throne, numerous people fell.

Patagene, Rand, Yamirei, Calzio... not a single person remained unharmed.

And the doors to the throne slowly opened...

The eleventh hour.

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