10. Roses and Hyacinths

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~Phoenix Augustus

The loud clattering outside the door of my room is what made me blink, and I realized that I'm alive.

Oh shit, again?

Another thing that contributed to this god-forsaken activity of making me realize that I'm alive, breathing and very much sprawled on my bed like a dead fish is the twisting of the doorknob of my fucking room.

Who the fuck wants to visit me at this horrid hour of the day?

Do they not know that waking up a sleeping man counts as one of the deadly sins, since it could trigger the demon and make him unleash the hell in front of the person who decided that they can move that person from their bed?

Suddenly, there was pin-drop silence, and despite the fact that I'm laid on my bed and still soaked in somnolence, I could make out that whoever thought that blabbering and organizing a very important meeting at the crack-ass of dawn in front of my room now knows that it might not be the very best idea, because if not asleep, I would either snap their head off their body, or snap their head off their body.

Those are the only two options.

I heard the quite footsteps of someone entering my room, and then closing the door behind.

For whole five minutes, there was nothing but dead silence, and I wish I could just tell the person fuck off and get lost and let me go back to dreaming about my collection of knives and daggers.

And so I did.

"Whoever the fuck you are, I, with all my due respect, am telling you to fuck off and get lost."

"It's eight in the morning."


What the fuck does he want from me, at eight in the morning?

And most of all, how could he sound so fresh and awake this early? And why has his voice suddenly become so funny that I'm having chills on my fucking body?

"Fuck off, Lorcan."

Despite my headache that was starting to build up due to waking up so early in the morning, I tried to hint my brother to fuck off and get out of my room and let me go back to drooling on my pillow.

Because even if it was weird, it is only Lorcan who would do this and find it so funny that I would hear a scoff leaving his mouth.

"First of all, mind your fucking language, who the fuck are you to tell me to fuck off. Second of all, I sound nowhere near your brother."

So he isn't Lorcan. Then who the fuck wants to visit me so early and have their ears bless with my morning cuss?

Despite my hints and my quite warning, Lorcan- I mean, whoever the fuck he was, was not taking his exit, and I know for sure it's one of my cousins, if not the ones who live with me, then the ones who do not live with me.

Because, how can I forget that Lorcan would not bother calling me out to wake me up, instead, he would splash a bucket full of water on my face.

"Who the hell are you?"

My body swung up in full-fledged force, and now I was squinting at the figure that was standing in front of my eyes, a very annoyed groan left my lips the second I forced my body to sit up.

It was a bad idea, really. I should just go back to sleep.

The second I was sitting on my bed, I heard a loud gasp, a very loud gasp leaving that person's mouth, while I was still trying to adjust my vision in this bright daylight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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