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Taehyung, a dazzling 25-year-old, wasn't your average CEO. Sure, he ran Kim Enterprises, a giant built by his grandpa, Mr. Kim, but unlike most CEOs who looked like they ate lemons for breakfast, Taehyung was sunshine personified. Think playful grin and a laugh that could light up a room.

Now, Mr. Kim, bless his sharp mind, decided to retire and hand the reins to Taehyung, much to everyone's surprise (especially his dad's!). This made Taehyung the youngest CEO in the industry, and let's just say, not everyone was happy about it. There were hungry eyes out there, waiting to pounce on any misstep the young CEO might take.

But Taehyung wasn't fazed. He was determined to prove his grandpa right, even if it meant some late nights fueled by questionable amounts of coffee. He still had Mr. Kim whispering wisdom in his ear, like a personal Yoda (minus the green skin, hopefully).

It had only been a month since the CEO crown landed on his head, and his birthday had just whooshed by in a blur of cake and well-wishes. Today, was Tuesday, found Taehyung in his office, looking sharp in a suit that probably cost more than your car. By his side was his ever-reliable right-hand man, Namjoon, more of an older brother (or "hyung" as they called it in Korea) than just a personal assistant.

Now, Namjoon knew Taehyung well. He'd seen the goofy side, the one reserved for family and close friends. But to the outside world, Taehyung was a force to be reckoned with. His steely gaze, sharp as a knife, could send shivers down anyone's spine. Except Namjoon, of course.

"Alright, boss," Namjoon started, pulling out Taehyung's schedule. "Today's agenda is jam-packed. We've got that investor meeting in the morning, then a lunch with potential new partners, and-"

"Hold on, hold on," Taehyung interrupted, raising a hand. "Can we squeeze in some time for a quick nap? Pretty sure I haven't slept in a week."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. "See, this is why I worry about you proving yourself, Mr. Sunshine. Maybe dial back the birthday cake sugar rush a bit?"

Taehyung grinned, that playful glint back in his eyes. "Maybe you just need a slice of that cake to lighten up, grumpy hyung."

Together, they dove into the day, a whirlwind of meetings, presentations, and enough coffee to fuel a small rocket. Through it all, Taehyung juggled his playful spirit with the steely resolve of a true leader, determined to prove that sunshine could, indeed, run a multi-million dollar company. And maybe, just maybe, have a little fun along the way.

Taehyung practically crawled out of his office building after another marathon day. The Kim mansion, a sprawling palace of a house that held his entire extended family, beckoned like a giant, luxurious bed. He practically fell into his room, shedding his suit jacket like a superhero discarding a cape.

Just when his eyelids were threatening to glue themselves shut, a booming voice echoed through the house. "Taehyung! Dinner!"

Dinner at the Kim mansion was an event. A bustling affair of steaming dishes, endless conversation, and enough rice to feed a small army. Tonight, however, the conversation seemed to swirl around Taehyung like a particularly judgmental storm cloud.

"Taehyung-ah," his Aunt Sunhee began, her voice dripping with honeyed concern, "you seem... awfully playful for a CEO. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, and all that."

His cousins chimed in, a chorus of barely-concealed snickers and murmurs about "young and inexperienced." Even his dad, bless his heart, chimed in with, "Maybe you should tone down the goofy grin a bit, son. It doesn't exactly scream 'executive.'"

But amidst the sea of doubt, two voices stood out. His grandmother, a tiny woman with a steely glint in her eyes, silenced the room with a single, sharp cough. "He's learning," she declared. "Taehyung is a good boy, and I have faith in him."

Across the table, Mr. Kim, his grandfather and the company founder, gave Taehyung a wink. "Don't worry about them," he rumbled in his gravelly voice. "They just need a little... convincing."

Taehyung smiled gratefully. He may have been new to the CEO game, but he wasn't alone. With his grandparents in his corner, he could handle anything.

Dinner finished, Taehyung retreated to his room, a whirlwind of paperwork and late-night emails keeping him company. Finally, with a sigh, he flopped onto his bed, sleep claiming him almost instantly at the stroke of midnight.

The ringing of a bell jolted him awake. He sat up, blinking in the harsh light, the familiar comfort of his room replaced by sterile white walls and rows of desks.

At the front of the class stood a figure with a mop of black hair, staring at him with a look of utter disbelief. "Taehyung! Are you even listening?"

he was met with the concerned face of a complete stranger.

"Who are you?" Taehyung asked, blinking in confusion.

The stranger's jaw dropped. "Who am I? How can you not recognize your best friend, Jimin?!"

Taehyung's mind went into overdrive. Best friend? Jimin? School? This stranger looked vaguely familiar, but he doesn't know him, He hadn't been in school since, well, forever.

"Uh, Jimin, right?" Taehyung said, his voice a touch shaky. "Listen, I think you might have the wrong guy. And maybe," he added, eyeing the stranger's slightly too-large shirt and pants, "I don't know who you are."

The stranger, Jimin apparently, looked like he was about to faint. "You don't know me? Taehyung, are you feeling okay? Should I take you to the infirmary?"

Taehyung stared, dumbfounded. Infirmary? This was getting weirder by the second. "What the hell?!" he finally blurted, totally lost.

Just then, a bell rang, shattering the surreal scene. The stranger, Jimin, grabbed Taehyung's arm. "Come on, dude! We're going to be late for Mr. Lee's class!"

Taehyung, sleep-deprived and utterly bewildered, could only mutter, "Mr. Lee? Late? This is a nightmare, right?" as he got dragged, in his expensive school dress, towards a classroom filled with teenagers.


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