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The familiar sleek lines of the Kim Enterprises building greeted Taehyung as he returned to his own universe. Relief washed over him like a tidal wave. No more uniforms, no more bullies (hopefully!), and most importantly, no more pretending to be a high school student!

He practically burst through the office doors, a wide grin plastered across his face. The first person he saw was Namjoon, his ever-reliable right-hand man. Before Namjoon could even blink, Taehyung launched himself into a hug, koala-style, clinging on for dear life.

"Whoa there, boss!" Namjoon exclaimed, momentarily stunned. "Public displays of affection? Remember, image is everything."

Taehyung, still clinging on, just mumbled incoherently into Namjoon's shoulder. Namjoon waited patiently, eyebrow raised.

Finally, Taehyung loosened his grip, a sheepish grin replacing his earlier excitement. "Sorry, hyung, just needed a hug."

Namjoon sighed. "Alright, alright. Spill it. What's gotten so emotional all of a sudden? Board meeting blues already?"

Taehyung's grin widened. "Nope! Better than that!" He practically dragged Namjoon into his office, shutting the door behind them with a flourish. "Hyung, you won't believe what just happened!"

He then proceeded to launch into a breathless retelling of his "dream." He described the school, his unexpected "best friend" Jimin, the sweet one ( and brave ?! ) bully named Jungkook, and how he, of course, put the bully in his place. Namjoon listened patiently, nodding occasionally, but a skeptical look never left his face.

"And the weirdest part?" Taehyung continued, oblivious to Namjoon's doubt. "These people I met in this dream, Jimin and Jungkook? Never seen them in my life! Crazy, right?"

"Crazy indeed," Namjoon finally said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Look, boss, I know you've been stressed lately, but interdimensional travel within a dream? That's a new one."

Taehyung frowned. "But it felt so real, hyung! The cafeteria food (shudder), the pop quizzes, the existential dread of exams..."

Namjoon chuckled. "Okay, okay, I get it. Must have been one heck of a dream. But trust me, CEO Kim doesn't have time for schoolyard bullies, even in his sleep. Now, how about we get to those actual board meeting blues with a double shot of espresso?"

Taehyung sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. But promise me we'll order in some decent food for lunch? My stomach can't handle another meeting filled with sad sandwiches."

As Namjoon was about to leave for his next task, he stopped at the door. "Oh, by the way," he said, "HR just finalized the new design team manager. They'd like the new guy to meet with you briefly before your next meeting."

Taehyung perked up. "Sure, send him in! We can always make time for new talent."

Namjoon nodded and disappeared out the door. A moment later, a knock sounded.

"Come in!" Taehyung boomed.

The door opened, and a young man with a bright smile and a friendly demeanor stepped in. "Mr. Kim? It's an absolute pleasure to meet you! I'm Jimin, the new design team manager."

Taehyung looked up, expecting a standard handshake introduction. Instead, his jaw practically hit the floor. Staring back at him was none other than Jimin - the supposed best friend from his bizarre "dream."

Taehyung's mind went blank. He sat there, frozen, staring at the very real, very alive Jimin standing in his office. Jimin, sensing the awkward silence, tilted his head in confusion.

"Uh... Mr. Kim? Everything alright?"

Taehyung managed a strangled squeak. "Y-yes, of course. Welcome aboard, Jimin. We're... glad to have you."

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