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Taehyung, a 25-year-old CEO ripped straight from a magazine cover (and a ridiculously wealthy family tree), wasn't exactly prepared for his latest adventure. No, this wasn't a yacht party in Monaco or a shopping spree in Dubai. This time, the universe decided to play a hilarious game of cosmic hopscotch, and Taehyung found himself stumbling through the halls of a university, completely lost.

See, his world (think fancy cars, private jets, and enough money to make Scrooge McDuck jealous) didn't have a Professor Kim Taehyung. Nope, in this wacky alternate universe, Taehyung was apparently a college professor - of computer science, no less! Talk about a career change!

The only clue he had was a words from a guy named Min Yoongi (apparently a math professor here, but definitely not someone Taehyung knew back home).

After what felt like hours (okay, maybe ten minutes), Taehyung stumbled into a random classroom, plastering on a smile that wouldn't have fooled a goldfish. "Alright, class," he began, hoping his voice wouldn't crack. "Apologies for the, uh, fashionably late entrance." He held up a computer science textbook, a desperate attempt to look professorial. "Let's just, uh, delve into the fascinating world of..." He trailed off, scanning the textbook for something vaguely familiar.

Just then, the door creaked open. In slouched a guy with hair the color of midnight and an impressive collection of silver rings. This was Jeon Jungkook, and despite never meeting him in his own world, Taehyung couldn't escape him. It seemed like Jungkook was a universal constant - wherever Taehyung ended up, there he was, radiating bad-boy vibes.

"Yo, Professor Kim," Jungkook drawled, strolling in with the grace of a tiger who just knocked over a priceless antique vase. "Sorry I'm late. Alarm clock decided it hated me today and, well, my buddies and I had a thing."

Taehyung sighed internally. Alarm clock, huh? More like a chronic case of "don't care about attending class-itis." But hey, who was he to judge? In this strange new world, teaching a class he barely understood seemed equally bizarre.

He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the students' increasingly confused stares. "Right then," he said, valiantly pushing on with his poorly planned lesson. "Let's, uh, explore the wonders of... binary code? Exciting, right?"

The students exchanged weirded-out glances, but Taehyung persevered. After all, in the grand scheme of accidentally becoming a professor in a parallel universe, a little awkwardness was par for the course. Maybe.

The bell couldn't have rung any sweeter. As the classroom door practically shoved students out, Taehyung could practically hear the collective grumble, "Professor Kim just... read a chapter?" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Not exactly Professor of the Year material, was he?

Just as Jungkook was about to sashay out, Taehyung stopped him. "Hey, you! Don't come late again or I have to take actions on you."

Jungkook smirked, a glint in his eyes. "Why the warning, Professor? You know I'm not exactly known for punctuality."

Taehyung blinked. Hold on a second. Did that imply the real Professor Kim had this same battle with the ever-fashionably-late Mr. Jeon? A strange mix of relief (at least he wasn't the only one struggling) and annoyance (seriously, who did this kid think he was?) bubbled in his chest.

But then came the kicker. "Besides, Babyboy," Jungkook drawled, leaning closer, "you've warned me plenty before."

Babyboy? Taehyung felt his jaw clench. Professor or not, there was a serious line between student and... whatever this was supposed to be. "Excuse me?!" he sputtered, voice rising. "Do you have any idea how inappropriate that is? I demand an apology and you will never address me like that again!"

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