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Taehyung tiptoed into the King's chambers, feeling a tad out of place. Hoseok, his fellow servant with a mischievous glint in his eye, had insisted on this little "chambers-crashing" adventure. Back in Taehyung's world, he was a CEO, a suit-wearing titan of industry. Here, in this crazy new universe, he was...well, a servant.

"Greetings, Your Majesties," stammered Taehyung, following Hoseok's strict instructions - no eye contact with the royal folks. He deposited a steaming plate of food on the table (avoiding a glance at the occupants) and prepared to make a swift exit.

Just as he reached the door, a voice, regal and slightly bored, stopped him. "New servant, eh? You'll be cleaning the royal bedsheets today." The Queen spoke, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Taehyung sighed internally. CEO to bedsheet changer? Talk about a demotion. The royal bed was a monstrosity - a four-poster behemoth that could probably house a small village. Grumbling to himself, he wrestled the massive sheets into a clean pile, his back protesting every step of the way.

Next came the "delightful" task of cleaning the royal dinner table. Taehyung nearly gagged. Half-eaten food lay scattered like a battlefield, spoons dipped in gravy sat haphazardly, and the air hung heavy with the stench of...well, royalty. He gritted his teeth, channeling his inner zen master, and cleaned with the determination of a man on a mission (a mission to find a strong stomach).

Back in the servant quarters, Taehyung found Hoseok doubled over with laughter. "So? First day as a royal servant? Not so glamorous, eh?" he wheezed.

Taehyung could only manage a dramatic gag in reply. Hoseok, wiping tears from his eyes, delivered the final blow. "Oh, cheer up! After this, it's gardening duty! You get to meet the royal roses... and all the other drama."

Taehyung groaned. Gardening? He could handle that. But dealing with royal drama - three Queens, seven princes, two princesses, who knows what else - that was a whole different kind of messy. He braced himself, the CEO spirit within him flickering ever so slightly. Maybe, just maybe, he could be the best darn servant (and royal drama therapist) this kingdom had ever seen.

The afternoon sun beat down on the royal gardens as Taehyung and Hoseok diligently plucked plump peaches and juicy mangoes. Suddenly, a pair of giggling voices shattered the peaceful silence. Two identical figures emerged from behind a rose trellis, their outfits a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors.

"Servants!" declared one, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Fetch us chairs and hold our parasols, chop-chop!"

Taehyung blinked. The parasols, for one, looked like works of ancient Korean art, ornately decorated with swirling dragons and mythical creatures. These weren't your average beach umbrellas.

Hoseok, ever the resourceful one, bowed deeply. "At your service, Princess Misoo! Princess Hyejin!"

The twins, as Hoseok helpfully identified them, bickered playfully for a moment before demanding a fresh set of servants to pluck them the most perfect roses. They then commandeered the female maids to weave intricate floral crowns for their heads.

Just as Taehyung was starting to wonder if all royals were this... high-maintenance, the heir to the Jeon throne arrived. Unlike his demanding twin sisters, Prince Eunwoo exuded an aura of quiet charm. His smile, like a crescent moon, seemed genuine as he bowed to everyone, even Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Greetings," he said in a gentle voice. "Might I trouble you two to make some fresh juice from those lovely fruits you've picked?"

Hoseok and Taehyung readily agreed. With baskets overflowing with peaches and mangoes, they made their way to the royal kitchen. The head chef, a man with a booming voice and even bigger mustache, listened intently to their request.

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