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Jungkook led the way through the palace, a sense of smug satisfaction radiating from him. "Now that you're officially my servant," Jungkook said, a playful lilt in his voice, "getting to know my chambers becomes essential. After all, you'll be the one waking me up in the mornings."

Taehyung bit back a retort. Personal alarm or servant? He wasn't entirely sure what he was signing up for.

They arrived at a set of grand double doors, ornately carved with mythical creatures. Jungkook pushed them open, revealing a room that could have housed a small village. Plush carpets covered the floor, mountains of silk cushions adorned the seating area, and a gigantic four-poster bed dominated the center.

Taehyung couldn't help but gape. "This… this is your room, Your Highness?"

Jungkook chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Surprised, are we? You see, unlike Eunwoo, who fancies himself a scholar and prefers a more modest space, I enjoy my  comforts." He gestured around the room, a hint of pride in his voice.

Now, this piqued Taehyung's curiosity. "But… aren't you the seventh prince? Shouldn't the eldest get the biggest room?"

Before Taehyung could stop himself, the question tumbled out. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Ah, curious, are we? You see, Taehyung, while birth order has its privileges, favoritism within the royal family can be a tricky game." He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's just say the Third Queen, my esteemed mother, has a… persuasive way of getting what she wants."

The weight of Jungkook's words settled on Taehyung. He wasn't just serving a prince; he was caught in the web of royal intrigue.

Suddenly, Jungkook straightened, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Alright, enough brooding for now. I'm heading out for a bit of… entertainment," he winked. "While I'm gone, draw me a bath and prepare my nightclothes. I also fancy having dinner in my chambers tonight. Something light perhaps."

Taehyung could practically smell the expensive cologne Jungkook was liberally applying before leaving. This "entertainment," he was certain, involved charming some unsuspecting maiden.  "Yes, Your Highness," he managed, a polite smile plastered on his face despite the turmoil brewing inside him.  This was just the beginning, he knew, and the future as Jungkook's personal servant promised to be anything but ordinary.

As Jungkook swaggered out the door, Taehyung couldn't help but shake his head. The guy spilled his secrets faster than a leaky wineskin at a tavern brawl. Whether Jungkook was a complete idiot or a surprisingly trusting soul, Taehyung couldn't decide. "Stupid pervert or enlightened pervert?" he muttered to himself, sighing internally. "Maybe a pabo wrapped in a prince's clothing." ("Pabo" being a Korean term for someone foolish or naive.)

With a determined glint in his eye, Taehyung set about his tasks. He wrestled the massive bedsheets into a submission worthy of a sumo wrestler, carefully drew a steaming bath scented with fragrant flowers, and located the most luxurious silk nightclothes he could find – the kind that resembled an ancient Korean painting come to life. He even managed to procure a light dinner from the palace kitchens – a delicate dish of rice cakes and seasoned vegetables.

By eight o'clock, the lanterns in most chambers had begun to dim, casting long shadows across the palace. Still, no sign of Jungkook. A sliver of worry started to gnaw at Taehyung. Was it normal for a prince to disappear after dark? Maybe he'd gotten kidnapped by a disgruntled ex-girlfriend? (Taehyung chuckled at the absurdity of the thought.)

Deciding not to wait any longer, Taehyung ventured out of the opulent chambers. Bumping into someone as he rounded a corner, he offered a startled bow. It was Eunwoo, his gentle smile as calming as ever.

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