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Despite the throbbing pain in his stomach and Jimin's worried pleas, a stubborn streak flared up in Taehyung. "I'm fine," he insisted, pushing himself off the cot. "I can't just skip class."

Jimin ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. "But you're hurt, Tae! Let me get you home."

Taehyung shook his head, a determined glint in his eyes. "No offense, Jimin, but I can't spend my entire life hiding in the nurse's office. Besides," he added with a smirk.

Jimin chuckled, unable to contain his admiration for his friend's newfound confidence. "Alright, alright," he conceded. "But if you start feeling dizzy, you promise to tell me, okay?"

With that, they headed for their last class of the day. The familiar classroom felt foreign to Taehyung now, a battleground he was determined to conquer. Yet, simmering beneath his newfound bravado was a worry – how much did this universe's Taehyung endure on a daily basis?

The answer came crashing down on him shortly after the final bell rang. As they exited the school, Taehyung's eyes landed on a horrifying scene. Jungkook, with a feral gleam in his eyes, was raining blows on the very same group who had attacked him earlier. The sight ignited a cold fury within Taehyung.

"Hey!" he bellowed, his voice echoing amidst the deserted school grounds. "Leave them alone!"

Jungkook spun around, a dangerous glint in his eyes. He continued pummeling the cowering students, seemingly oblivious to Taehyung's presence.

"Didn't I warn you to stay away from what's mine?" he roared, each word punctuated by a vicious kick.

Taehyung surged forward, fueled by a mix of anger and protectiveness. He grabbed Jungkook's arm, yanking him away from his victims. The smaller students scrambled to their feet and fled, disappearing into the twilight.

"What the hell are you doing, Jungkook?" Taehyung demanded, his voice tight. "Have you lost your mind?"

Jungkook met his gaze, a flicker of something akin to pain crossing his features. "I'm hurting them," he said, his voice thick with a strange emotion, "because they hurt you."

Taehyung stared at him, bewildered. "So now you're some kind of twisted knight in shining armor? What difference is there between you and them if you're both bullying me?"

Jungkook's grip tightened, his fingers digging into Taehyung's chin. "You," he growled, leaning in close, "are mine to bully. Mine to hurt. You understand?"

Then, with a final, cryptic glare, Jungkook shoved Taehyung away and stormed off, leaving him reeling from the encounter. Taehyung watched him go, a multitude of questions swirling in his mind. What was Jungkook's game? And how deep did this twisted possessiveness run? This world, with its confusing friendships and even more baffling bullies, was proving to be far more complex than Taehyung could have ever imagined.

A wave of relief washed over Taehyung as Jimin came barreling towards him, breathless and worried. "Dude, where were you? I told you to wait for me!" Jimin scolded, his concern evident.

Taehyung forced a smile, the throbbing pain in his stomach a constant reminder of the day's events. "It's nothing, Jimin. Just waiting for you."

Secretly, he thanked his lucky stars. Not only did he have no idea how to get home in this universe, but facing the walk alone after the encounter with Jungkook didn't sound appealing.

"Well, let's get you out of here," Jimin said, grabbing his bike helmet. "Hop on back, I'll drop you off."

Taehyung clambered onto the back of the bike, wincing slightly at the movement. He stole a glance at his surroundings, trying to memorize the route in case he ever needed to navigate it alone.

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