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Taehyung trailed behind his "friend" Jimin, someone he'd just met and already felt strangely connected to. The truth? Taehyung didn't belong in this world. Back home, he was a high-flying 25-year-old CEO, hailing from a ridiculously fancy family. Here, though? He was a total newbie, clueless about this universe's Taehyung.

Their stroll to class hit a snag when a pack of guys decided Taehyung's bag looked suspiciously steal-able. Taehyung bristled. He wasn't some pushover!

"What are you glaring at?" one of the guys sneered. "Think you can take us after yesterday's little beatdown?"

Whoa. Apparently, this universe's Taehyung wasn't exactly a champion. Jimin, bless his determined heart, tried to step in, but the bullies held him back.

Suddenly, a surge of confidence (or maybe it was years of hidden fight training back home?) took over. Taehyung grabbed the arm of the biggest bully and landed a surprising punch right on his nose. Blood flew, jaws dropped, and the entire hallway held its breath.

"Mess with me again," Taehyung growled, surprisingly fierce for someone who'd never been in a fight before, "and you'll be wishing you hadn't."

Snatching his bag, Taehyung marched off with Jimin trailing behind, eyes wide with hero worship. "Dude, that was SO cool!" he exclaimed. "Like, whoa!"

Taehyung just shrugged, trying to play it cool (even though his heart was still pounding).

The math bell droned on, and Taehyung found himself lumbering to the front of the class, summoned by Mr. Lee's smug grin. "Ah, Taehyung," the teacher drawled, "perhaps you can enlighten us all with your mathematical...expertise?"

Taehyung understood. This was a test, a public humiliation aimed at the resident punching bag (a role, apparently, this universe's Taehyung played a little too well). He sighed internally for this poor guy, then strolled to the board with the confidence of a seasoned CEO tackling a quarterly report. High school math? Piece of cake compared to running a global empire.

With a flourish, Taehyung solved the equation in seconds. The class gaped, jaws practically hitting the floor. Mr. Lee, however, wasn't about to give up easily. "Fascinating," he sneered. "First time cracking open a math book, are we?"

Taehyung just shrugged, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. He wasn't here to play Mr. Lee's little game. Back to his seat he went, leaving a bewildered teacher and a starstruck Jimin in his wake.

"Dude," Jimin whispered, practically vibrating with excitement, "you're like, a whole new person! And way cooler! Plus, no more of those dumb glasses that make you look like a scaredy-cat."

Taehyung, meanwhile, was lost in thought. The whole "being-from-another-universe" thing was starting to feel seriously overwhelming. What kind of life did this Taehyung lead? Why was he stuck here? And most importantly, where was he supposed to sleep tonight?

As if on cue, the final bell rang, jolting him back to reality. He was officially homeless ( as he doesn't know where his house is, in this universe) and universe-displaced. But before a full-blown panic attack could set in, Jimin saved the day.

"Sleepover at my place, remember?" he chirped.

Taehyung, relieved beyond words, simply nodded.

Exiting the school gates, they were met by a familiar sight - the bullies from that morning, hovering with malicious intent.

Just as Taehyung was about to unleash his inner CEO-wrestler on them again, a blur of motion intervened. A tall figure, radiating an aura of chaotic energy, launched himself at the bullies, fists flying. "Leave my punching bag alone!" he yelled, pummeling them with surprising ferocity.

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