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                                          With a groan, Taehyung rolled out of bed, the familiar chime of the clock announcing it was Monday morning – and more importantly, that he'd (hopefully) returned to his own universe. A quick check of his surroundings confirmed it – his plush bed, the cityscape outside his window, the faint scent of Yeontan snoring nearby. Normality, for now.

He strode into the office, ready to tackle the day's challenges. His first order of business was accosting Namjoon with the news. "Alright, Namjoon," he declared, a triumphant glint in his eyes, "ready to admit I'm not crazy?"

Namjoon, ever the picture of stoicism, raised an eyebrow. "About the whole 'interdimensional travel' thing? Spare me the details, Taehyung. We have a board meeting in ten."

Taehyung wasn't deterred. "No details? But Minji? Remember Minji? From the dinner?"

Namjoon sighed. "Look, if you need to talk about your... alternate universe crush, therapy is still an option."

Taehyung threw his hands up in exasperation. "Crush? It's not a crush! It's proof! And speaking of proof, how about this – if you see anyone new in the company today or tomorrow with the name Eunwoo, Misoo, or Hyejin, then you have to admit I'm right!"

Namjoon blinked. "Eunwoo, Misoo, Hyejin? Never heard of them. But if some random office newbies suddenly appear, then... fine. I'll entertain your little fantasy."

Taehyung practically beamed. "Fantasy? This is no fantasy! This is..." he trailed off, his voice dropping to a murmur, "this is happening to me."

He retreated to his office, his mind buzzing. A pattern was emerging. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at the stroke of midnight, he was whisked away. He'd spend a whole day in another universe – a kingdom, a high school, a college – before returning at exactly 12:01 am the same day. Each universe seemed completely different, with its own set of characters (except for the ever-present Jeon Jungkook, who seemed to be haunting him across dimensions).

He spent the rest of the day scribbling notes, trying to make sense of it all. There had to be a reason for this, a trigger, an explanation. He glanced at the clock – 3:17 pm. Wednesday was two days away. Would he be back in the bizarre world of high school, facing the ever-annoying (yet strangely intriguing) Jungkook?

A mischievous grin spread across his face. Maybe this time, he wouldn't be quite so defenseless against the school bully. After all, CEO Kim Taehyung wasn't afraid of a little teenage angst – even if it was in an alternate universe.

The office door practically burst open, and Namjoon stumbled through, gasping for breath. Taehyung looked up from his paperwork, a startled frown creasing his brow. "Namjoon? What's wrong?"

Namjoon straightened, his face flushed. "Taehyung," he wheezed, "you won't believe this! But... well... remember Eunwoo? The name you threw at me as 'proof'?"

Taehyung's eyes widened. "Wait, are you saying...?"

"He's here!" Namjoon exclaimed, finally catching his breath. "Apparently, Eunwoo – is a famous actor? He's come to the company for an ad shoot!"

Taehyung surged to his feet, a mixture of excitement and trepidation bubbling in his chest. This was it. Proof. Undeniable proof that his interdimensional travel was real.

He practically dragged a bewildered Namjoon down to the set where the ad was being filmed. There, amidst the lights and cameras, stood the very same Eunwoo he'd encountered in the kingdom universe – the kind first prince, and Jungkook's older brother.

Taehyung couldn't help himself. A wide grin stretched across his face.  He wasn't crazy. He wasn't imagining things.

Namjoon, staring at the actor, finally sputtered, "Okay, Taehyung. You win. I... I believe you."

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