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A wave of nausea washed over Taehyung as the familiar feeling of disorientation hit him. He blinked open his eyes, heart hammering in his chest. Back in his own universe. Thank goodness.

This time, the remnants of the alternate universe were even more bizarre. Not only did he have to deal with a grumpy math professor named Min Yoongi (who, by the way, dressed like he belonged in a rock community ), but he also had a fiancée - a sweet girl named Lee Minji, whom he'd never met in his real life! And then there was Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook. The one constant across these bizarre trips. This time, however, Jungkook wasn't a bully, but a student in his computer science class, a student with a mischievous glint in his eyes who seemed to enjoy making suggestive comments about his "engagement." Let's just say, Professor Kim had to channel every ounce of his self-control not to launch a textbook at the smirking student.

Back in his real office, Taehyung slumped into his chair, letting out a groan that could rival a dying walrus. He knew if he told Namjoon about the whole Professor Kim, fiancée Lee Minji, and student-with-way-too-much-attitude Jeon Jungkook situation, his ever-reliable hyung would just brush it off as another wild dream.

"Namjoon," Taehyung whined, his voice laced with exhaustion, "you won't believe what just happened!"

He proceeded to recount the events of his "dream," complete with impersonations of Yoongi's gruff voice and Jungkook's infuriatingly suggestive winks. Namjoon, bless his patient soul, listened intently, but a crease formed between his eyebrows.

"Whoa there, slow down, boss," he said gently. "Jeon Jungkook again? Maybe all this stress is getting to you. Have you considered seeing a therapist? They can help you deal with these... uh... vivid dreams."

Taehyung sighed. He knew Namjoon wouldn't believe him. This whole thing was so outlandish, even for him to believe. But there had to be a way to prove it. Maybe, just maybe, if he could find Yoongi or Minji, someone from these alternate universes, in the real world, then Namjoon wouldn't have a choice but to believe him.

A determined glint entered Taehyung's eyes. He wouldn't give up. He had to find a way to prove these weren't just dreams, and that this strange interdimensional travel was real. And maybe, just maybe, figure out why Jeon Jungkook seemed to be haunting him across universes.

Friday bled into Saturday, each passing hour a nail in the coffin of Taehyung's hope. No Yoongi with his metalhead aura, no Minji with her sunshine smile. Maybe Namjoon was right. Maybe the stress of being a young CEO was finally getting to him. Maybe these "dreams" were just elaborate daydreams, a way for his overworked mind to escape reality.Taking on the CEO role at such a young age, the constant pressure to live up to his family legacy... maybe it was all getting to him.

With a defeated sigh, Taehyung booked an appointment with a psychiatrist. The session felt... underwhelming. The doctor, a kind-faced woman named Dr. Park, listened patiently to his wild stories of alternate universes, Jimins, Jungkooks, and fiancées named Minji. When he finished, she adjusted her glasses and offered a gentle smile.

"Mr. Kim," she said, her voice calm, "it's not uncommon for people under stress to create elaborate fantasies. Perhaps you've been cooped up in the office too long. There are single women out there, you know? Finding a real girlfriend might be more fulfilling than dreaming of a fictional fiancée."

Taehyung felt a blush creep up his neck. He hadn't mentioned anything about wanting a girlfriend, but the doctor's words hit a little too close to home. Maybe his subconscious was trying to tell him something.

"And as for these vivid dreams," Dr. Park continued, "stress can definitely cause those. I've prescribed you some sleep medication. It should help you get a good night's rest and hopefully tame those overactive dream worlds."

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